The mercenaries of XCOM

(HunterAssassin5) #1

With the alien invasion and the forming of the ADVENT Coalition, 3 things of note has transpired:

  1. London was cleaned up fairly quickly, with the CDA having no hand in it and Jackal having no chance to stop it.
  2. ADVENT went to great lengths to remove any armed human group, be they military, criminal, or busniess(in other words they are massive dicks).
  3. The resistance(and by extension XCOM) is desperately in need of trained fighters.

On the plus side, one need not worry about radiation levels anymore! Just mind-controling naked people, poisonous(yes, poison, they dont bite) snake women, and giant bloody robot things.

the skins on them are supposed to be the best skins i have on that particular merc, though i forgot to give aura alienware/logitech skins because i had my sorting on favorites at the time. the skins dont look very good anyway, they’re only on the guns, i had to give skyhammer armor camo because he looked so pitiful with default armor colors. the names on them are either their actual names according to the wiki, or those of their voice actors. i had to get creative with the rest.

by the way, i had a total deja vu event while looking through which screenshots i was going to upload.

Alienware Aura

also turns out the swiss gold skin isn’t

but rather

so yeah, a more proper “swiss gold camo” sparks

(MisterBadmin) #2

Hello, Commander.

We had lofty expectations, and you have exceeded them.

(HunterAssassin5) #3

Thank you sir. However, skilled as they are, the literal price of having them is high.

(Shangri_Ha) #4

That’s amazing!

(HunterAssassin5) #5

I’m not recruiting any more people in my current playthrough, though, might be a bit tough building up a Charlie Squad after ADVENT has started rolling out elite units, though currently i have Aimee in Bravo Squad.

i also had to decide whether to give Phantie a Man Bun or Slicked Back Braid, but according to the wiki…Phantie apparently has twintails…or a “Double Ponytail” as the wiki called it XD

[*] A double pony-tail can be seen on the back of his head.

(all the way down to trivia)

also Sparks is supposed to have the swiss gold skin, but since the armor can only have 2 colors and the weapon 1, there arent spots of white on them

i could probably find a pattern with larger splotches, though, ill look into it tonight.

(SirSwag) #6

Right down to the biographies. Outstanding commander.

(HunterAssassin5) #7

i used to write a fic before realizing that although i could write okay, i couldnt worldbuild for shite, and my entire premise wasnt lore-friendly, so i stopped writing the fic, but i still like to spin a story every now and again

one last thing, it was truly a surprise to discover i had a camo mod that worked as the starry sky gun camo on Kira, truly it was. i was debating on using that camo with the giant five-pointed star before finding it XD

(pretentiousOverride) #8

Damn son , this is cool !

(Dysfnal) #9

Why doesn’t rhino have a minigun? Seems odd to me. Also, Pheonix is black in the future, spooky.

Gj though, far better than I could do

(HunterAssassin5) #10

what? rhino doesnt have a minigun? im fairly sure i wouldnt have missed something so obvious, the way he holds the gun makes it hard to make out, but if you look at thunder’s gun and see the way the magazine is fitted on the gun, you can see that rhino does have a minigun.

also that’s a tan on phoenix. i think. he’s not black either way. ill have to check it later.

by the way, i also went and made the Killcameraman

(HunterAssassin5) #11

decided to clean up my mod list because my game was slowing down quite a bit, and decided to start a new campaign as well, since the missions mods will probably fuck some stuff up in the old one, and it was pretty much completed anyway, just needed to wrap up some story missions with the meat of the game already completed.

first mission, I had with me Vassili, Rhino, Phantom and Sawbonez. I tell you, it couldn’t be more perfect than this - every class in a single mission!
The mission was to topple a statue built by ADVENT in the image of an Elder - which we managed to accomplish, though with some injuries

Sawbonez was shot behind low cover(45% chance i think it was) and I ran Phantom out forgetting that an enemy had an overwatch set up. Dumbass rookie mistake.
and then it was time for promotions.
In addition to them, I also have Thunder, Fletcher, Kira and Bushwhacker waiting for deployment, as well as the aforementioned Killcameraman XD

Spurred by our last success, they departed with full confidence in themselves
No one knew how hard this mission would be on everyone involved…

(HunterAssassin5) #12
The mission was to recover reconnaissance after ADVENT secured it from the resistance and rigged it to be destroyed

they dropped into the AO and soon found an unsuspecting ADVENT partol - a trooper and a Sectoid, and, after setting up an ambush, I unleashed fire upon them, killing them both. If the entire mission was that much of a cakewalk, this shall be over in no time at all!

Unfortunately, everything went downhill from there, reinforcements being called in, running into more enemies than i could handle at a time, as well as Kira being incapacitated(not killed, thank god), i quickly wrapped things up by grabbing the objective and calling for emergency evac. they got out with their lives, though with 3 injuries, 1 of which were gravely serious, among them.

seemed that even though my mission parameters were completed, it was counted as a failure because i didnt kill every enemy in the AO, but it was literally 9 on 4 out there(2 if you count those who were still able to fight), i didnt want to risk it. Hell, it was a miracle Fletcher was still alive. He was under the effects of a Sectoid psionic ability that caused him to panic, and I had to evac Bushwhacker, who was carrying an incapacitated Kira, and Thunder to the Skyranger immediately, so it was 9 against Fletcher alone, but they didn’t kill him like I expected them to. in fact, they barely did anything at all. Curious.

There was trouble now, both my temporary Alpha and Bravo squads has suffered casualties, I’m not entirely fond of mixing and matching, but it might be what I’ll have to do if the next mission arrives before they heal from their wounds.

oh, and the impeccable Fletcher was shaken from the mission, possibly leftover effects of the psionic Mindspin.