The locked case

(Shenaynays) #41

Just like this box, we may never truely know what is in the box

(Mc1412013) #42

@Shenaynays said:

Just like this box, we may never truely know what is in the box

Will be unlocked dickens eve???

(Ptiloui) #43

@Xenithos said:
What I legitimately hope it is, is that SD has decided to let you pick the exact loadout you want in Jackal’s Eve style. Basically a free perfect card for all participating accounts.

It would both be surprising, refreshing, rewarding, and probably the best possible thing that case COULD have, while still being relevant.

Honestly, after asking for this for a long time, and if this is true, i don’t even know what i would pick xD

(Your worst knifemare.) #44

@Ptiloui I’ll be stuck between a 373 and a C73…both first gen bronzies.

(Xenithos) #45

If only I could roll a gen 1 stabby redeye. Or a gen 1 tornado in some SE skin.

(Artyrim) #46

Never heard of Schrödinger’s cat? It can be anything until is opened
even something like this,after all is from Halloween xD

(BBBadger) #47

@ThePigVomit said:
Paint. It is a box of paint.

It will allow you to paint any single non-SE card you have into a Jackel’s Eve SE card.

But SD will probably not make it so easy to do so.

Will probably require at least a silver card minimum to be used on.

(Mc1412013) #48

@BBBadger said:

@ThePigVomit said:
Paint. It is a box of paint.

It will allow you to paint any single non-SE card you have into a Jackel’s Eve SE card.

But SD will probably not make it so easy to do so.

Will probably require at least a silver card minimum to be used on.

And 100,000 credits

(ThunderZsolt) #49

@Mc1412013 said:

@BBBadger said:

@ThePigVomit said:
Paint. It is a box of paint.

It will allow you to paint any single non-SE card you have into a Jackel’s Eve SE card.

But SD will probably not make it so easy to do so.

Will probably require at least a silver card minimum to be used on.

And 100,000 credits

Still worth it.
You have to buy 5 elite cases to get one guaranteed event skin drop, and can’t even choose the merc. If you want one loadout from the 189 possibilities would take like thousands of euros worth of elite case bundles, 100K credits for picking it would be more than appreciated.

Doubt it will happen though :confused: