The Latest Win10 update...

(TheStrangerous) #1

The whole OS boots up quite long and my keyboard diodes don’t light up (buttons work tho), except for windows key lock…

Am I alone in this?

(GatoCommodore) #2

@TheStrangerous said:
The whole OS boots up quite long and my keyboard diodes don’t light up (buttons work tho), except for windows key lock…

Am I alone in this?

my custom resolution for my screen is messed up because the last windows update

i turn everything off that smells like update from registry to services and it still frickin updates.
goddamnit i hate windows.

(TheStrangerous) #3

Ughh… now I wonder how long will it take to fix this…

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #4

I’m sticking with good ole Windows 7 as long as possible

(TheStrangerous) #5

@Mr.Cuddlesworth said:
I’m sticking with good ole Windows 7 as long as possible

Win 7 also updates you know. Who said his are issueless?
Also, you got only 3 years, til MS stops updating it, starting from January 14th 2020.