The imbalance issue (pub - the ignored mode)

(Violator) #1

The elephant in the room with DB is that 90% of games in DB are imbalanced and as a result dull. Here is what happens currently in a typical pub game of DB (I know that 100% of effort is concentrated on ranked and SD doesn’t care about pub, but for casual players like myself it an issue).

  1. 6v7, 7v8 syndrome. Joining an ongoing game invariably means joining a 6v7 where you are on the 6. This gets old quickly. Not sure if its based on your level, but I find that the vast majority of the time I join a game, I’m on the team with less players.

  2. The inevitable stack. No effort is made to attempt to balance the game in respect of player level or ability (k/d, w/l or other factors). 90% (like the chance of getting a 20 fragments case ;)) of games a high level (or even a mid level player like myself ends up with a team of low level players facing 2-3 100+ level players who are generally unwilling to shuffle less they suffer the same fate / hurt their k/d ratio / get bored etc. It seems once you reach a certain level and you aren’t uberl33t you get placed on the team full of noobs and have a frustrating time. Most games are decided on which uber player has the best k/d. If you are carrying your team but not good enough to win the round then you are screwed.

  3. Shuffling does nothing. Invariably shuffling teams keeps the same high level players together or they will just swap back over / quit at the earliest opportunity. Most similar level players I’ve spoken to share the same sentiment.

The answer? Bring back min/max level servers. High level players don’t want to play with noobs and vice versa. Smurfs will always be an issue of course.

The typical game:

(ASD) #2

Hi Violator,

you are not alone with this…
for me - personaly - DB stands for DirtyBalance.

Regards ASD

(Nail) #3

“The answer? Bring back min/max level servers. High level players don’t want to play with noobs and vice versa. Smurfs will always be an issue of course.”
