The hochfir and kek are dumb and the shotguns are...jusy ugh.

(javelin_main) #1

The hochfir and kek STILL have too much view kick. to be honest. I’m going to say it. YOU’RE WRONG. it doesn’t reward skill. it rewards proxy and any other characters with either of these guns. just remove view kick. it does nothing but negative things to your game. it throws of the perfect aim of the part of the community that’s good. I understand it in a casual setting but even then I don’t think it should be as much as it is.

the shotguns are dumb. they should rip your face off up close but when I’m on the open-able door on last objective dome and there’s an aura by the ammo box on the same route to the mg it shouldn’t do ANY damage even if ALL pellets hit. Here’s what you should do

pellets: 12
damage per pellet: 11 (headshot damage of 12)
drop off start: 1.5m (deals 11 damage per pellet)
drop off end: 6m (deals 4 damage per pellet)
after 10m deals 0 damage
rpm: 60
kick up time: 0.5s
pump time: 0.5s
5X spread

pellets: 11
Damage per pellet: 10
drop off start: 4m (deals 10 damage per pellet)
drop off end: 8m (deals 5 damage per pellet)
after 12.5m deals no damage
rpm: 70
kick up time: 0.4s
pump time: 0.46s
3.5X spread

pellets: 11
damage per pellet: 7
drop off start: 5m (deals 7 damage per pellet)
drop off end: 15m (deals 5 damage per pellet)
deals no damage after 25m
rpm 75
kick up time: 0.4s
pump time (or lever): 0.4s
1.2X spread

Then snipers are also retarded too and here’s how I’d fix them

bolt actions:

Chest shot damage: 40 Head shot damage: 160 (head mult: 4x)
reduced rpm to 30
0.85s for upwards kick
1.15s for re bolt time
The felix will one-shot all equipment except for turtle’s shield (however it will one-shot the shield generator)

Chest shot damage: 35 Head shot damage: 126 (head mult: 3.6x)
(even if the shot would do enough damage to insta-gib, the moa will not instagib anyone)

The moa is almost universaly considered better as the felix sacrafices worse bolt timings and an ever so
slightly lowwer rpm to kill thunder/instagib 80hp mercs and to have an extra bullet per mag. The bolt timings
are by far the most important statistic. It dictates which is better as the two are so close in every other
stat that you should go for the moa as to have an extra 0.2s to escape danger after firing a bullet. The
felix changes give it an actual reason to put up with these problems. The fact that the felix with one shot
Fragger AND Thunder where the moa doesn’t and the felix one-shots equipment and therefore a further reason
to use it. The reason that I lowwered the chest shot damage overall is because the snipers are incredibly
effective if you just go for chest shots as they still do a ton of damage. This should give an insentive to
aim for the head and increases the skill floor and ceiling of the snipers.

semi autos:

Chest shot damage: 30 Head shot damage: 90
reduced rpm to 100

Chest shot damage: 27 Head shot damage: 75
reduced rate of fire to 150

Chest shot damage: 24 Head shot damage: 60
reduced bloom by 20%
reduced recoil by 25%
reduced rate of fire to 210

(henki000) #2

Old aimpunch:
New aimpunch:


(HadronZodiac) #3

Tbh kek10 really isnt even that good. Its an all-around smg, but imo not as effective as it should be.

The hochfir is extremely reliable and highest change of hitting your target. It has amazing damage-time efficiency and is super good at suppression.

The main reason hochfir is fine is its VERY low damage dealing capabilities. If you aint landing those headshots you are basically garunteed to die…

(javelin_main) #4

right EVERYONE who is good at this game agrees that aim punch is pure retardation so I hate to say it. you’re wrong. It doesn’t reward skill. it does reward first shot but if that person gets the first shot it shouldn’t mean that the more skilled player should loose. If you want someone to talk to about the retardation of aim punch then talk to starscreamnl on twitch. and what you said about shotguns and specifically the Remberg. ‘10m range would make Remburg even more time and place specific’ are you okay? you mean it rewards skill and being in a good place. yeah like it should. I don’t think you know what skill is. skill isn’t high kill counts. it’s deserving the high kill counts you get not by using bullshit cheap tactics. and those aren’t sniper nerfs. They are ideas to make body shots less bs. and ‘removing them from competitive’ well surely if you’re good enough to play competitive then you have the brain capacity to know what a head is and how to aim at it. These changes are skill rewarding and you just want to whine about the fact that they are nerfs. no they are making the game more skill based. you know. like the devs and community want it.

(hoyes) #5

Hochfir imo has been too strong since the summer squash buff it got. It did not need the rate of fire increase (which improved it’s DPS to that of the smg9). The hochfir completely outclasses the smg9 in accuracy and mag size, while retaining the same DPS. It’s ranged potential is 100x better than all other smgs. Guns that are accurate shouldn’t have the same damage potential as ones that aren’t. Plus even since they significantly toned down aimpunch, it still feels annoying to fight against, it still feels like it kicks up your aim too much.

I think the kek is fine, it’s a good middle ground between accuracy and DPS.

Shotguns should genuinely be removed and replace them with smgs or smth. They will never feel fair to fight against unless they are useless.

(HadronZodiac) #6

@jooshoyes said:
Hochfir imo has been too strong since the summer squash buff it got. It did not need the rate of fire increase (which improved it’s DPS to that of the smg9). The hochfir completely outclasses the smg9 in accuracy and mag size, while retaining the same DPS. It’s ranged potential is 100x better than all other smgs. Guns that are accurate shouldn’t have the same damage potential as ones that aren’t. Plus even since they significantly toned down aimpunch, it still feels annoying to fight against, it still feels like it kicks up your aim too much.

I think the kek is fine, it’s a good middle ground between accuracy and DPS.

Shotguns should genuinely be removed and replace them with smgs or smth. They will never feel fair to fight against unless they are useless.

Tbh i think kek10 could use a slight buff (gets pretty inaccurate pretty fast imo)

Yeah shotguns are honestly just… not ok

(GatoCommodore) #7

@HadronZodiac said:

@jooshoyes said:
Hochfir imo has been too strong since the summer squash buff it got. It did not need the rate of fire increase (which improved it’s DPS to that of the smg9). The hochfir completely outclasses the smg9 in accuracy and mag size, while retaining the same DPS. It’s ranged potential is 100x better than all other smgs. Guns that are accurate shouldn’t have the same damage potential as ones that aren’t. Plus even since they significantly toned down aimpunch, it still feels annoying to fight against, it still feels like it kicks up your aim too much.

I think the kek is fine, it’s a good middle ground between accuracy and DPS.

Shotguns should genuinely be removed and replace them with smgs or smth. They will never feel fair to fight against unless they are useless.

Tbh i think kek10 could use a slight buff (gets pretty inaccurate pretty fast imo)

Yeah shotguns are honestly just… not ok

kek-10 and crotzni is one of the best gun in the game
if SD ever put Crotzni or Kek-10 on fire support merc like Skyhammer or Kira it would be game breaking for everyone else.

Tbh i think kek10 could use a slight buff (gets pretty inaccurate pretty fast imo)


(bgyoshi) #8

I can’t imagine a game more boring than the one where the best aim wins

Fastest way to remove positioning, suppressing fire, strategy of any kind, and team composition: Remove aimpunch

If you want a boring game where only the highest DPS weapons are used and nobody needs to take cover ever, remove aimpunch

Aimpunch is there to make you think before you shoot, not to punish your good aim.

Learn to deal with it or quit.

(gseijn) #9

Wow! You really want to nerf the Grandeur into the ground don’t you. You must not have much time at all with the weapon because you’d realize that nerfing the weapon like that would render it absolutely obsolete.

With 200RPM and 40 body, 80 head most people still had a difficult time with the weapon. Just keep the bloom high like it was once, along with the large recoil.

They dropped the body shot dmg to 36 from 40 and then brought it back up to 38. It seems as if they are just arbitrarily changing shit around with the grandeur. The Rate of fire was fine at 200 but they felt the need to drop it down to 180 for no other reason than people complaining about the bullet spread. So now people can’t spam the rifle as fast allowing them to let the spread drop back down a bit more.

The thing is that the ttk is longer because using the iron sights allows you to spam with no spread rewarding you for having good aim while using the bulky iron sights. That is assuming you don’t miss which is easier said than done.

However, dropping the ROF to 180 nerfs the rifle a bit too much and makes it very difficult trying to compete with players that have decent aim, even with you landing half of your shots. I’d say most people land about 38% of their shots with the grandeur, so keeping the body shot dmg at 40 and HS dmg at 80 with a ROF at 200 would be perfect.

Keeping the recoil high like it once was along with a substantial bullet spread, will allow players who can spam the rifle with exceptional aim while aiming down sight be rewarded by having the bullet spread eliminated by utilizing the cumbersome iron sights with a respectable ROF.

Egh! Whatever, I’m just salty that they nerfed my favorite weapon. It’s my most used weapon by FAR and not being able to use it as effectively as before makes me want to cry.