The full release on March is the last change to make good impressions...

(TheStrangerous) #1

News media and well known Youtubers will be covering DB, in it’s full version.
SD better step up their game, cause there’s a huge risk of bad impressions, leading to lack of player growth (‘member that false P2W accusation on DB’ Steam release?)

The time is running out. 4 months ain’t that long. Everything better be as stable and refined as it can.

Say, we need a countdown timer, or a giant hourglass pinned somewhere :sunglasses:

(Press E) #2

Well I mean, they could always delay it if they really needed to. It happens so much in other games I doubt most would care.

But I’ve heard they’re making major changes to basically everything. For example, they’re getting rid of lead and iron cards.
Although unless they make some major changes to CMM and ranked balance, I can see a lot of fuel for angry youtubers.

(hawkeyeguy99) #3

Okay, but honest opinion here, I don’t see much wrong with the game right now. Yeah there are minor bugs but seriously none of it is even close to game-breaking. Heck, even the cancer that is Javelin has been nerfed to a reasonable state. I’d say they are on a nearly perfect trajectory for release, just a few balance and bug patches (which are already planned) and we’ll be good imo.

(AlbinMatt) #4

Revamp or massive improvement to skins, but stick to the Loadouts System
Fix whatever they can with net coding. Rest is international responsibilities fit for aging blabbermouths in government offices and ISPs.
More power and customizability of every aspect of the game. Make modding and community contributions easier.

Really, that’s all I want from DB. Maybe some fine tuning of thw the numbers to have ot feel less grindy, but otherwise, this game can ship.

(GatoCommodore) #5

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
Okay, but honest opinion here, I don’t see much wrong with the game right now. Yeah there are minor bugs but seriously none of it is even close to game-breaking. Heck, even the cancer that is Javelin has been nerfed to a reasonable state. I’d say they are on a nearly perfect trajectory for release, just a few balance and bug patches (which are already planned) and we’ll be good imo.

they made it so i can do precision strikes with javelin now that the acceleration is reduced overtime, shoot at the sky and then that missile will turn where you want to turn now.

its frickin magic how SD pull this off.

(Press E) #6

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
Okay, but honest opinion here, I don’t see much wrong with the game right now. Yeah there are minor bugs but seriously none of it is even close to game-breaking. Heck, even the cancer that is Javelin has been nerfed to a reasonable state. I’d say they are on a nearly perfect trajectory for release, just a few balance and bug patches (which are already planned) and we’ll be good imo.

It’s not that bad, but it could be better.
You only have one full release, so you better make it count and make sure everything is as good as it could be, not just “there isn’t much wrong”

(Nail) #7

don’t think I’ve actually heard SD confirm any date

(TheStrangerous) #8

@Nail said:
don’t think I’ve actually heard SD confirm any date

But LeYou did:

(Ptiloui) #9

The funny part being “Open Beta testing has not commenced yet”.

(Nail) #10

but that’s NOT Splash Damage confirming

Nexon had some odd ideas as well

(woodchip) #11

If they are going to majorly revamp loadouts I would be surprised if March is a hard date.

(Begin2018) #12

With the current state of the game, it will be a total failure!

Too few maps, CMM sucks, Ranked sucks, too many characters (Javelin and Fantom cancer), bugs…

And they removed the good parts of the game : 8v8, max lvl 5 servers, min level 20 servers, the way to make loadout cards…

(ThunderZsolt) #13

I don’t think that the game is less “BETA” than it was a year ago.
We’ve got a couple new maps and mercs, event skins, and casual matchmaking, fixing a few bugs - the only significant change is CMM, and there is still room for improvement.

1st, I would focus on server performance first - too many random disconnects (although they could be just ragequits), games starting with uneven teams (both CMM and ranked).
A server select/ping limit youldn’t hurt in matchmaking either…

2nd, tweak the matchmaking somehow that I don’t get teamed up with 5 new players who have only free mercs with default loadouts in their squad.

@Begin2018 said:
Too few maps, CMM sucks, Ranked sucks, too many characters (Javelin and Fantom cancer), bugs…

What do you mean by “Fantom cancer” ? :o

(Begin2018) #14

@ThunderZsolt said:
What do you mean by “Fantom cancer” ? :o
It’s supposed to be a team based game, but Fantom is to play solo…

(TitaniumRapture) #15

@Begin2018 said:

@ThunderZsolt said:
What do you mean by “Fantom cancer” ? :o
It’s supposed to be a team based game, but Fantom is to play solo…

And level 6 servers are still in server browser. Bad thing is that probably nothing leads new players there.

Well fantom is meant to be recon or spy if you want + he can disable deployables. Sure if you chase everybody then gl. On plus side many new players like him. :smiley:

(aminuseternal) #16

I think there are enough maps, the multiple tier objective maps always take a bit more time to make. The problem for me has been I keep getting the same maps in casual and ranked. I had a day where I had got bridge five times or so in a row.

Most of the mercs feel fairly well balanced. Guardian is the only one with bugs that I have experienced, and the only one I feel like needs a slight buff is javelin.

(Dysfnal) #17

@aminuseternal said:
I think there are enough maps, the multiple tier objective maps always take a bit more time to make. The problem for me has been I keep getting the same maps in casual and ranked. I had a day where I had got bridge five times or so in a row.

Most of the mercs feel fairly well balanced. Guardian is the only one with bugs that I have experienced, and the only one I feel like needs a slight buff is javelin.

Have you forgotten about Phantom?

(aminuseternal) #18

I think he is fine. In the right hands he can be crippling to the enemy team, going after medics and such. People just don’t want to actually play him like that though.

(B_Montiel) #19

@Nail said:
but that’s NOT Splash Damage confirming

Nexon had some odd ideas as well

Good luck denying something your main shareholder expects you to do.

Either way, if DB would have been released on steam the way it is now, I guess things would have been different.

(Nail) #20

the release also said open beta hadn’t started