The exit doesn't work

(Lizard7557) #1

I have questions : I made a test map and used the scripts from this video:,
with an exit area and 2 soldiers.
The exit doesn’t work
should reach credits, but it doesn’t
namely moving freely into the exit area like there would be none,
although the “Exit” icon appears),
and the music doesn’t work,

i have upload a video here when i bsp the maps:

(sd2009) #2

Hi lizard7557,

The map must fulfill conditions.
Does your script contain objectives? Are they met?

Your ai script must contain a similar section like the example below:

trigger endmap
 changelevel <target_map>

Check the syntax. A single incorrect character might prevent a successful map exit. Is the script file correct? The endmap style is different from the script file you saw in the youtube example.

Make sure that your end trigger targets the endmap.

Good luck.
