"The Bridge of Remagen" Beta Shots!

(BXpress) #381


(Fusen) #382

hmm could look abit strange having a big blank gray wall on either side


(jah) #383

well… i’m going to repeat myself… looking good bx… 78% done heh? :slight_smile:

(BXpress) #384

lets say 85%

(michi.be) #385

a nice dotproduct terrain would look really cool. :slight_smile:

(Big Boss) #386

Looks great can’t wait for the first beta.

(Mark.C) #387

How exactly did you make the bridge, try as i might, i just cannot get the curve of it right :frowning:

(BXpress) #388

its not curved… all brushes!

(G0-Gerbil) #389

Same comment from earlier really - looks nice but too samey - the town needs detail.

(BXpress) #390

well you are right… dindt have the time (again) to work on that map :frowning:

(jah) #391

make time then D:

(BXpress) #392

we have vacation over here so it may be that i will work on my map^^

(joop sloop) #393

What compile options did you use? and what q3map2 version? Cause tweaking & toying with that will make the map look even better :slight_smile:

Oh and you definately need some dotprodutc2 blended terrain the lines between rock & sand is way to abrupt…

(BXpress) #394

well, thats my .bat

@rem to use this batch file, run it from a dos window: 
@rem > compile <mapname> without the .map extension 

@set Q3MAP_PATH="C:\Games\q3map2\q3map2.exe" 
@set ET_PATH="C:\Games\ET" 
@set MAP_PATH="C:\Games\ET\etmain\maps\remagen_beta3" 
@set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath "C:\Games\ET" -game et 

%Q3MAP_PATH% -meta -mv 1024 -mi 6144 -notjunc %GEN_OPTIONS% -v %MAP_PATH% 

%Q3MAP_PATH% -vis -saveprt -fast %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH% 

%Q3MAP_PATH% -light -fast -samples 2 -filter %GEN_OPTIONS% -v %MAP_PATH% 


the Problem is, it does not work!
could someone help me?

i have the newest Q3map2 Version.
and yea, i will make a better terrain like this^^

edit: found the problem… its the wrong Basepath :banghead:

(joop sloop) #395

this is my .bat file, copied straight from the LDR. Only things I changed besides the game location is the light compile options

@rem to use this batch file, drop a .map file on it or run it from a dos window:
@rem > compile <mapname>

@rem change the paths below to reflect your ET installation.
set ET_PATH="E:/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory - mapping/"
set COMP_PATH="E:/q3map2/q3map2.exe"
set MAP_PATH="E:/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory - mapping/etmain/maps/%1.map"

set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %ET_PATH% -game et

%COMP_PATH% -vis -saveprt %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
%COMP_PATH% -light -fast -samples 3 -gamma 1.9 -compensate 4 -patchshadows -external -lightmapsize 256 -bounce 8 %GEN_OPTIONS% -v %MAP_PATH%

(BXpress) #396

well, my one works but i dont get a .bsp file out of it… i hate .bat files :frowning:

(michi.be) #397

well, my one works but i dont get a .bsp file out of it

Then you don’t get a .bsp it doesn’t seem to work. ;-p

(Schaffer) #398

Do you mean that you get a compiled file out but it just doesn’t have the .bsp extentions?

You could always use the batch that Joopy placed up but modify so that it uses your settings.

You also might like to know that you can hide all code from outputting to console by using the statment:

@echo off

This turns off the output from command line execution. Of course any program that returns console display code itself will still display. Using this you could actually rediretc that out to a file so you can review the errors (hopefully none :))

(BXpress) #399

well, the problem is, i tested joops version with my settings… it didnt work at all.
with my .bat file, i see a compile. but when i want to start the map ingame, i get the message that theres NO .bsp file … :frowning:

(-=DRONE=-) #400

great idea
a few days ago i saw this 70´s movie
if u miss any angles and fews try to get it
as i remember it´s simply called
“the bridge of remagen” and for your project it´s worth a look
good luck :smiley: