The amount of time to choose the merc for a particular map is so short, you cannot make a proper squad selection based on the map at all?

(K1X455) #1

Is this some sort of prelude to an all open merc squad?

(DarkangelUK) #2

No, all mercs access during a game won’t happen due to limitations with the engine.

(K1X455) #3

So the sluggish UI doesn’t work well with the current squad selection then. Whose bright idea was it to implement such things?

(kopyright) #4

I had the same problem until I upgraded my CPU so I suppose that’s where the bottleneck is. However I don’t see why the UI should be that sluggish in the first place.

(Eox) #5

Title edited for clartity.

(Teflon Love) #6

The bottleneck clearly is developer skill. However, this is not something limited to DB or SD but more of a general symptom in UI development.

AFAIK the DB UI is written in JavaScript, which performance and resource wise is pretty much the dumbest way to build an UI. It is nevertheless a popular way because it works in web browsers. And applications written for web browsers have several advantages over traditional local client applications running natively on your PC (no installation, (somewhat) platform independent, only input and results are sent over network, “all your data are belong to us” etc).

With DB none of these advantages apply of course. Probably the decision was guided by the law of the instrument. If you publish a job add for UI development and only semi-competent JavaScript coders in their early twenties apply, eventually you have to pick one of them in see where it goes.

(eitsch0r) #8

aww rly? i always dumbly thought it had to be a design decision.

now i want the beloved wolfET engine even more back sniff maybe throw some chickencompanymoney at it and get it pimped up to date. Will never happen but would be soo nice.

Would get rid of 'dem bouncyball jumpers,too. Proper strafejumping plus id engine glitches, hah

now im feeling old.

(eitsch0r) #9

angular i think

harsh but true. i like it :+1:

(Gire) #10

Normally i have time to select my mercs but when the match “locks in” and shows what teammates have picked and then im like "Oh we are missing medics etc… there the time lacks