Terrain and FPS problem

(TheJediYoda) #1

been working on a terrain for me level tried to clean it up, but still FPS is dead on it for no obvious reason :frowning:

|: LMT (32x32 divs) 40fps 4500 tris (many of the hidden/not viewable tris have been deleted (just incase).

|: LMT (16x16 divs) 23fps 3500 tris - did the tris and fix, but no cigar :confused:

|: in comparison to Ydnar’s LMT i dunno wft is wrong :confused:

|: also in comparison to (awfal) textured brushes

I have tried everything the only thing that changes the frame rate is changing the q3map_tcGen ivector ( ) ( ) is the shader but still looks awfal with negligable results on FPS… sometime like 384 and look blury
even tho i am using 512x512 n 1024x1024 textures.

forgive me for the shot sizes…

please help me!


(pazur) #2

maybe it`s the water shader on the little river in front of the buildings or one of the tree alpha shaders that slow down that much