Tap Out

(BlackboltLW) #21

Broke: K-out to prevent enemy players getting experience and possibly luring them to get shot

Woke: Martyrdom

(Chris Mullins) #22

This is part of the reason of having the tap out option, it gives players an interesting gameplay decision to make.

If you stay alive when downed you can act as a distraction for the enemy. They then need to choose if they want to finish you off or not. If you tap out before you are finished, you have succeeded in wasting their time, focus and ammo (and XP for finishing).

(BBBadger) #23

If there aren’t any enemies nearby, t-bag then move on.

(Cordyceps) #24

I thoroughly regret making this post

(GatoCommodore) #25

@Cordyceps said:
I thoroughly regret making this post

free internet points is free

(GatoCommodore) #26

@Cordyceps said:
I thoroughly regret making this post

free internet points is free

(Szakalot) #27

its a valid strategy. Esp. on pubs you might want to tap out to gather intelligence on the map state, before jumping in

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #28

@Szakalot said:
its a valid strategy. Esp. on pubs you might want to tap out to gather intelligence on the map state, before jumping in

I do this a lot lately… not just because of the strategic advantage though. I do it more now, even more than in the past, because of how often I’ll get revived only to be immediately downed before the revive finishes; resulting in a long-spawn that just keeps me out even longer.

Not that I blame the medics for trying, but rather I appreciate it. Though it’s purely inexperience with knowing when to leave a downed teammate to re-spawn on their part; which will come with time and I’d rather remove the temptation than get us both killed. So if there isn’t a sparks or any medic within range to get me quickly I’ll often tap out these days.

(Xenithos) #29

@Cordyceps said:
I thoroughly regret making this post

When OP realizes said fishy behavior is not only accepted, it’s encouraged as a tactic along with T bagging.

(bgyoshi) #30

I had some cute snarky reply formulating in my head as I read through this post

And then @stayfreshshoe dunked on OP

But yeah, people don’t deserve finish XP and it forces you to waste your time and resources

Because if you don’t, I get revived maybe

But also, I fully expect this behavior in return.