Switch between The Ark and The Resistance

(calvinalx) #1

Hi there,

I bought Brink a while ago while it was discounted on Steam.

How do I switched between The Ark and the Resistance?
Which one have a better storyline?


(wolfnemesis75) #2

I chose Resistance to start. Either is equally fun, but The Ark (Security) is a far more difficult road to hoe.

(tokamak) #3

You get the second storyline right after you completed the first.

(matsy) #4

I didn’t really see the point of choosing a side.

(gold163) #5

Campaign mode is just multiplayer mode with bots and you’re forced to be on a certain side.

To choose which side you’re on, you have to play multiplayer (free play) and even then, you’re automatically assigned to a team and can only choose to switch after the fact.

(wolfnemesis75) #6

Basically you are allowed to battle out both points of view. Which is not a bad thing.

(calvinalx) #7

Thanks a lot guys :smiley:

I just played it today and love it. Its an awesome game.
Personally i choose The Ark over the resistance as it look more elegant :slight_smile:

oh I also love the character and weapon costumization.

(wolfnemesis75) #8

[QUOTE=calvinalx;388246]Thanks a lot guys :smiley:

I just played it today and love it. Its an awesome game.
Personally i choose The Ark over the resistance as it look more elegant :slight_smile:

oh I also love the character and weapon costumization.[/QUOTE]Yeah, they got that part right.

(calvinalx) #9

I also planned to set up a Brink dedicated server. Any tips and suggestions?
And thanks to answering every questions I asked!

Can I have your steam accounts so we can probably play it together? :slight_smile:

(wolfnemesis75) #10

Sorry, I am on Xbox these days. :slight_smile:

(calvinalx) #11

Oh. I see. :stuck_out_tongue:
Does brink have cross platform Multiplayer?

(iezza) #12

No unfortunately. but, its not “the ark” its “security” and i prefer them, but when customizing your character, look to the top right and press the button thats there(For xbox its Y) and that allows you to customize his alter ego for the rez.

(calvinalx) #13

That’s awesome :smiley: ijelly.
Also, played so far, the security always lost. (Win several time). lol.

(zenstar) #14

[QUOTE=calvinalx;388265]Oh. I see. :stuck_out_tongue:
Does brink have cross platform Multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

For a shooter? Are you mad?
MS did experiments with allowing XBOX and PC to play against each other in a few FPSs (can’t find the article now, but look for it. it was interesting).
PC dominates console purely because of the control scheme. And I’m not talking hardcore vs hardcore. Even average PC players wipe the floor with hardcore console players just because of the mouse/kbd combo.

(calvinalx) #15

[QUOTE=zenstar;388310]For a shooter? Are you mad?
MS did experiments with allowing XBOX and PC to play against each other in a few FPSs (can’t find the article now, but look for it. it was interesting).
PC dominates console purely because of the control scheme. And I’m not talking hardcore vs hardcore. Even average PC players wipe the floor with hardcore console players just because of the mouse/kbd combo.[/QUOTE]

I’m pretty sure they can give some limitation to the PC Players. Also I heard that you can use a mouse on XBOX (using somekind of hardware).

(zenstar) #16

The only way to limit the pc players to make it fair is to seriously reduce the mouse speed so that aiming is as slow with mouse as it is with a thumbstick. If you do that then noone will play it on PC.
And all the mice i’ve seen for XBox have been horrid hardware hacks that don’t actually work how you’d expect them to. You’ll never get the precision and speed of mouse aim on Xbox until they start supporting USB mouse and keyboard which they won’t do because it’s against the whole console concept. If you want a mouse and keyboard buy a PC.
PS2 used to support a usb mouse and keyboard. Hardly any of the games did. It’s just not the right fit. That’s a desktop setup, not a couch setup. Who has their console set up on a desktop?

EDIT: note: I have nothing against people playing shooters on consoles. If that’s your prefered platform for the genre then have fun. But you cannot allow cross-polination of platforms because the mouse and keyboard are simply the better control scheme.
If you like riding a Harley then enjoy it, but don’t expect to win a destruction derby with it. Doesn’t make the Harley bad… just not the best tool for a destruction derby. It does what it was made to do exceptionally well.

(DarkangelUK) #17

Sony are getting round the issue with CS: Global Offensive by allowing mouse and keyboard support on the PS3

(zenstar) #18

That means everyone who wants to play on the PS3 is going to either need to get a keyboard and mouse or have a serious masochistic streak.
Maybe there’ll be a “controller only” setting for the hosts?

EDIT: I found a short writeup similar to the one I remember reading… I’m sure you can dig deeper into it if you’re interested:

(DarkangelUK) #19

Platform specific servers with mixed available would be the best option, no point pissing off the PC crowd by gimping them to give the consolers more of a chance.

(zenstar) #20

That doesn’t even out PS3 controller vs PS3 keyboard. I agree with not annoying the PC crowd, but at the same time you want to give people the option to have a level playing field on PS3… Unless they take the opinion of “real players will get a keyboard and mouse so tough luck”. In which case I predict the game not being that popular on PS3.