Sulph8 LF Brink Team

(Sulph8) #1

Only looking for UK/EU team which is lanable (preferably english)

I play engineer, however I could swap if needed.

Monday - Thursday: 2pm-11pm (until I get back to college then it will be until I finish college - onwards)
Weekends: Vary (but usually the same as weekdays, if not longer)

About Me:
Name: Sulph8/Apophis
Location: England
Lanable: Everywhere in england, but need time if it is outside of england


Contact Details:
Steam: Sulph8
Xfire: zackary94

Edit: Going on holiday on the 8th July for 2 and a half weeks, activity should be back to normal when I get back.

(Sulph8) #2

Bump :))))))))))))))))))))))

(Mustang) #3

I think LFG/GLF posts would receive a better response here:
Sorry that’s not a particularly helpful thing to say, but just incase you oversighted it

(Crytiqal) #4

haha, this one made me laugh out loud :smiley:

No offense but cmon :smiley: