Sticky Bomb and Mines should damage the EV more

(HadronZodiac) #21

I think mines should give ~200exp.
Its fun to place a mine in front of an EV and when people push it it damages the ev and the people behind the EV, i agree it should be more rewarded

(Eox) #22

It’s safe to bet that those Proxy players playing Proxy on EV defense would have never switched off her no matter what. It’s just basic beginner mistake, or utter lack of concern. Try to explain them. If they willingly do no effort or act like an ass about it, feel free to toss a votekick in for throwing.

(K1X455) #23

like I said earlier with DarkAngelUK, they have their agenda… and it manifested so many times just today. How frustrating is it to move the team only to be brought down by a single player who chooses to self satisfy their agenda. Worse is, they blame me for not doing enough and leave soon after.

This is what I fear when the competitive mode of FACEIT becomes live.