[] The “color correction” was a video effect applied on after recording, correct?
yes, i put the color correction effect on the clips, and played with the sliders untill it looked good.
[] I suggest using “colorgrading 2” when playing to remove the blue tint from the game.
What is that?
[*] If you’re using Shadowplay I’m pretty sure you can’t do this, but in any other situation I suggest this: http://i.imgur.com/8V1bUrV.png
i use shadowplay yes.
[*] Your intro image… is this inspired by Frank the Rabbit?
Its an image of a character i played as in a game.
[*] I recommend you turn off the blood effect around the screen because it hurts your gameplay performance as a player and also looks bad imo in frag videos.
Blood has been turned off, clips already shot will still have it. but since a week new clips wont have it anymore.
[*] Stop putting single kills in your videos please ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](//forums.splashdamage.com/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=5)
ok. its really hard when its a nice quick/flick/noscope/turn on ![:pensive: :pensive:](//forums.splashdamage.com/images/emoji/twitter/pensive.png?v=5)
[*] Somewhere in the first 30 seconds you had a Bridge clip where you killed 3 people with the FEL-IX and 1 with a machine pistol then died right when getting the final kill. I would avoid including these clips and aim for higher quality. Try to avoid at all costs the scenes of you dying unless it’s an ending or for dramatic effect, etc…
[*] You have a good amount of headshots so I think you can achieve this against better players. It may take a little time to adjust but if you can adapt to it that would make a much better movie imo.
most matches are from level 10+/20+ servers, but occasionally those are full and i have to resort to normal stopwatch servers.
[*] I like that you included the part where you got flashed and still navigated to where you wanted to go. That’s a good ability and most pubbers I see can’t do that worth a damn.
Thanks :3
[*] Around 2:10 you were slicing the pie very well vs the Fragger and Thunder. I’ve been in that situation as a Vassili as well, but with 2 thunders and a nader all spamming nades at me.
the only reason i dislike that clip is because i miss the hiding fragger 2/3 times.
[*] Now as I continue to watch I see that you lined up your 3man with 1 bullet to the music, THAT’S what I’m talking about. That’s way nicer. I’m glad you saved the 3man for that music beat hit.
ok, as the buildup to the triple collat with the dual collats good though? and the slow motion?
[*] I think it would be better to choose a song longer than your video if the video is too short to include more than one song without sounding off. Just fade that song out or use an effect to abruptly end it. This seems better than just letting the song end normally and allowing the in-game audio to play for the end of the video.
Got it.
[] The quality is okay. The issue is the lack of a demo system in DB and YouTube’s massive compression that basically renders any video past 10,000 kbps no better than that bitrate + the lack of HEVC support.
[] Because of the last point, if it’s possible for you to adjust I reccomend using a crosshair 1 size higher than the one you use because it appears weird in a compressed YouTube video. You don’t need this tiny “pin-point” accuracy anyways because in most conditions the hitbox will be larger than the character from your perspective due to distance. I used to use a tiny dot in ET until I came to this realization and I carried this knowledge over to DB and it’s worked out well for me.
the thing is that i use the medium dot, and the large dot is too big. might try it tonight, but i doubt ill stick to it.
[*] As I tell everyone who does this, stop begging for votes by saying things like “inb4 downvotes” or “i know you’re going to downvote this” or any other platform’s applicable version of the terminology.
you shouldve seen my dislikes while supporting vassili in the ReV event XD.