I have a problem with BRINK.
- And according to the plethera of posts, it seems quite a few have it as well.
This is a problem I’ve had for the last three days. Those days are days I’ve had it in my posession.
I “start” the game, splash-screen, poof, it gives you “update news” as if the game had been started then exited, which is sort of what it does.
Now, I Have tried EVERYTHING. Deleting all the language files, reinstalling the game from the ground up, deleting specific files here and there, even tried that line
“+set logFileName “CrashOnBoot_FlareSide_$Y.$M.$D_$h.$m.$s.log” +set logfile 2” that is supposed to give you a crash dump, only that my structure is different.
the #steamid# is not there, only userdata\22350\ etc,
I’m a capable user, and this is a complete mystery to me.
It could be worth mentioning that I have the DVD-version of the game and NO DCL’s.
I can choose to either install it from disc or via steam. Both fail equally.
One thing I’ve run across though, is that it could seem that the game might be missing some files. I suspect this since many of the files suggested to be deleted are files that I don’t have.
Anyway, even if I’ve tried everything, give me a barrage of the most obscure details, the full rundown, give me all examples of all fixes since this is bugging the hell out of me.
Computer is up to date
I run Windows XP x64 - old, but trustworthy.
I have a Quadcore 2.4Ghz @ 2.5Ghz, DDR2 4GB overclocked @ 1112 Mhz
I run an nVidia Geforce GTX 580 - and yes, I’ve tried updating and reinstalling drivers as well.
Hope you can help me.