SplashDamage Showing As A Red Site On McAfee Site Advisor

(NeuroToxic) #1

SplashDamage.com McAfee Site Advisor Web Safety Rating

SplashDamge previously showed up as a Green safe site. But I noticed a few days ago that it has been re-classified as Red.

If enough of you kick up a fuss about this rating then McAfee should hopefully re-evaluate.

I would hate to think that SplashDamge is losing potential visitors because of this.

(Salteh) #2

This is because McAfee is silly and blames Splash Damage for linking to a virus infected download on gamers.net.

It seems extra strange that they last visited the offending site in December 2008, yet still claim it is infected.
We have removed the link to the offending download, but that seems to be about all we can do about this (?).

Thanks for your ‘green’ feedback on McAfee.com, I’ll see if I can get them to update the status :slight_smile:


(NeuroToxic) #3

Well. Someone from SplashDamage should try sending an email to the McAfee SA staff and ask for them to promptly re-evaluate. The thing is that millions use McAfee Site Advisor worldwide. Including me. And it’s not very often that I load up a Red rated site. So imagine the amount of other users that are avoiding SplashDamage because of this.

Btw im not doubting the integrity of SplashDamage. Norton says that it is as safe as houses.

SplashDamage.com Norton Safe Web Rating