I agree. When ET:QW was in alpha/beta stages the community which largely was not involved in the actual development of the game was basically split between not wanting vehicles and wanting vehicles among the many wants and demands. You had various communities looking forward to the game because of the title/developer and general need for a new good solid competitive and balanced game. In the competitive sense you had the RTCW/ET fans wanting less vehicle and you had the Battlefield fans wanting more vehicles. Using this as an example. Please BF fans don’t assault me because I picked your beloved title. Each individual person and each established gaming community to some degree has there own preferences towards games in terms of what they want and expect. Really its hard for a developer to make everyone happy because of that.
So long as the game is balanced, continues to get support/tweaks (which SD has a great reputation of doing) and remains unique in some ways to keep gamers attention so not to be dull or boring to quickly. I think most gamers would agree they would be happy with the final product and the game as a whole would be rated as a success.