
(nUllSkillZ) #1

Lately I see several posts of spambots.
Seems to be a problem.

(Cambodunum) #2

yupp its annoying … got a big problem at my own site (with the wow-gold-idiots) … so ive tried a new captcha … but it seems they dont mind that

(Nail) #3

we get maybe 1 or 2 a year on our site, they seem to hide in news comments

(stealth6) #4

you know some of these bots are people, and thus can’t be stopped.
I think they target sites on popularity? Splashdamage develope games so that would make them a larger target then other sites?

(isbowhten) #5

we could add a rating system related to the quality/necessarity of people’s posts xD
if somebody doesnt get enough ratings(only positive values possible) he is limited in posting or whatever
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: maybe this also improves quality of posts.
everybody is allowed to rate each post one time only.

(ailmanki) #6

then you will have spam bots rating themself high…

(kamikazee) #7

I think the “Report post button” works pretty much as advertised.

While the captcha may need a slight revision, there’s no real way of blocking spam bots if they are registered by humans. If we would start to put rules on people’s posts, newbies would be totally out in the cold. And we don’t want that, do we?

(twt_thunder) #8


(merlin1991) #9

omg dive for cover a spam bot :D:wink::tongue:

(dutchmeat) #10

What about a simple ‘Who is the first member of this board’ check?

(th0rn3) #11

Some people dont know that (not me)

(Nail) #12

yes, but you can look it up, a bot can’t.
I’ll give you a hint, he joined 19th December 2001

(~kev~) #13

The version of VBulletin this site is running has ReCapthcha built in. Use that instead of the standard capthcah and it will stop those spam bots.

to enable ReCaptcha, go into your vbulletin admin control panel, left column - human verufication options and pick “ReCaptcha” You will need a key from, but that is free and easy to get. Just create an account at, get your keys, and enter them into the key slots in the VB control panel.