
(Nail) #1

what’s with all the spam lately ?
this bastiche was on earlier with tons of crap and he’s back

isn’t there a way to hunt these dicks down and get their ISP to do something ?
it is essentially an offense, our e107 site has pretty much stopped it everywhere but the news comments, and I’m pretty sure we can stop that as well (working on solution)

not complaining, but these idiots are fire trucking annoying to this old man

(system) #2

if they use proxies, have fun tracking them :wink:

(Nail) #3

actually, anything can be tracked proxy or not

(system) #4

yeah tracked for sure, but the law is the problem :wink:
If the ip comes from vietnam, goodluck hehe

(Nail) #5

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”


(system) #6

You are right there. But i just don’t think people will pay lawyer costs to track people down, and especially not in countries where the law almost don’t give a fck :wink:

(Nail) #7

it all depends on how you talk to the ISP, doesn’t always have to be about legality, commerce is a great leveler

(Pegazus) #8

I agree, ban spam. :slight_smile:

(shagileo) #9

aaarw - poor spam :frowning:

(dwe_flame) #10

wasnt there a “bot question” during registration?

i had many problems with spam bots on my forum, but after that i just made a new field that i made required. just a question like: what color is the sky (white is not the answer)

so all know to answer blue.

this will stop at least the auto spam bots

(badman) #11

Just got reCAPTCHA up and running here - that should hopefully curb the bot spam a bit.

(kamikazee) #12

[QUOTE=badman;191723]Just got reCAPTCHA up and running here - that should hopefully curb the bot spam a bit.[/QUOTE]Zits not workingk! Fix it, jah!?!