I’m not sure this is an actual error but I can’t find out what’s causing it atm (been looking at the script for too long) but I have some script_movers flagged to triggerspawn (small origan brush covered with trigger with the model2 key/value).
They have a targetname and a scriptname, so the object does something on spawning - which they’re not supposed to do until the trigger event - the odd thing is they keep spawning into the game on starting the map rather than waiting for the trigger event and I can’t figure out why.
I’ve checked the *.script file for any reference to thier properties (which would cause them to prematurely spawn) but can’t find anything… if this is a possible bug I was wondering if it related to two things…
A: the number of script_movers you can have ingame
B: related to the size of the script_mover brush itself
C: anything else…
Has anyone else had any problems like this??? Any ideas??