SP Hitler Skin Anyone still have it?

(Enforcer) #1

Does anyone still have the sp hitler skin? I would like it use it in my spmappack!

(redfella) #2

I had never heard of it. -Sounds neat though.

(Ragnar_40k) #3

Wasn’t that Himmler (in the very last cinematic sequence of RtCW SP)?

(Enforcer) #4

Yeah himmler was at the end of RTCW in SP but someone created at SP skin of Adolf Hitler and i would like to get it but its extremly hard to grab cause the author is gone some where.

(Ragnar_40k) #5

A Hitler model was used in the Assassination map for RtCW. You can grap the skin there (with the permission of the mapper of course). The pk3 also includes 2 md3 files for Hitler.

(Enforcer) #6

i have that one already