Something game changing I noticed today


Today I played an Execution match.
There was only a Nader and a Skyhammer alive.
The Nader was on the defender team.
After a small fight the Skyhammer came on top.
He ran to the Nader to gib her when she used Martyrdom.
They both died and yet the defender team lost.
Why? Neither of the bombs were planted.
If everyone is dead, nobody can plant and thus it was successfully defended, right?

(bontsa) #2

Could it be that the knife connected microsecond before Martyr was released, thus resulting in game technically ending with Skyhammer being, for a slight time period, last one alive, thus Defenders winning? I’ve had couple of times when Nader martyr’s enemy’s last member resulting in victory for the Naders side, no bombs planted.

I’ve had plenty of times when its even visible by naked eye that I use Martyr when I’m already technically finished, its just that server doesn’t keep up with all the data or something like that and it results me in using Martyr when downed.


Actually. That’s possible.
It could be that the Skyhammer knifed the Nader before she martyr.
Nevertheless this should be fixed.

(MarsRover) #4

Technically Nader died first because she was closer to the nade.

(Szakalot) #5

the first person to die in a 1on1 is the losing team.

Nader and Phoenix are an exception because they can act even when incapped. You have to gib the nader/phoenix to end the round.

In the scenario you describe the nader was gibbed with the knife before the martyrdom killed her opponent.

It is an interesting question: what would have happened if the nader wasnt gibbed, and the martyrdom nade killed both of them at the same time

(bontsa) #6


It is an interesting question: what would have happened if the nader wasnt gibbed, and the martyrdom nade killed both of them at the same time[/quote]

This is something that Mythbombin’ fella could try out actually, but I’m pretty sure since right as you said Nader can act while incapped, technically if she Marty’s enemy’s last opponent and no bombs have been planted, she wins since she has “made the last kill”, despite suiciding in process. I think it was either this or some other goofery magic that left me and my Nader-maniac friend of mine puzzled over TS after one said 1on1 round ending like I desrcibed.

However what is even interesting and deepening question is does Nader’s SIDE matter? Since if bomb is not planted, and you die as last member of Attacker taking last Defender with you, who even would theoretically be around to plant the bomb after the massacre? It’s natural in Defenders side however; no matter the methods used, stopped bomb plant is stopped bomb plant even if no man/woman/monster is left standing.

(RyePanda) #7

I have seen Draws occur, and I believe this is how one occurs. Both players die from the same explosions so it is a simultaneous death.

(n-x) #8

Hey Kirays, if this game was on market then it is very likely that I was that Nader. I was really puzzled as well. Another thought I had is that it could maybe be a bug with the bomb. Earlier in the round the attackers died while planting, So the bomb was on the planting side but not activated, maybe this has something to do with the whole thing.

As about being gibbed before using martyrdom. I am 99% sure that I blew both of us up. I am also pretty sure, that the Skyhammer didnt even had his knife out, was carrying his rifle, and wasnt shooting at me.