- Custom Match, which I think necessary to have this option, why when entering the Server Browser is full of empty servers with few players online, and I think Custom Match would be required to decrease the amount of empty servers, create a new server where you can customize the game your way and this would be great for players who add new challenges in the game. And the custom Match bar would allow the player to create his own game / server by placing the region he wants. And have the option of private server adding password.
You would have the map options that you could select or deselect the maps you want to stay at random.
And another good option would be the restriction of classes that could restrict a class that could not be used in the game. And under that option would have Merc restriction that could choose 5 or 7 Mercs that could not be used in the match.
The choice of which way you want to play Objective / Stopwatch.
The amount of players that would have in the match, which could at least get to have 3vs3 and the maximum up to 8vs8.
And the option of restricting weapons and skills would be available. This option would be useful for anyone who has difficulty playing with secondary weapons and Melee, the Skills option would be to restrict medical support and fire support by prohibiting the use of Air Attack, Crawlers and Heavy Weapons (Minigun, Grenade Launches Bomb Squall etc. .)
And a last option would be the Hardcore mode, which allows the players to play without the aim and take out the blue and red lighting that surrounds the players Allies and Enemies and also the objects that are played by the allied and enemy players, which distinguishes of who is the ally or the enemy. For example the Proxx mines or the Skyhammer Air Strike flag.
And No Mercy mode that allows you to shoot the ally. - The Weapon Modification option: this option would help improve weapon status by increasing the damage it has, by changing the weaponâs aim, changing the weaponâs support, adding a muffler to the weapon, and changing the gunâs weapon frequency by changing from semi-automatic to automatic and adding the gun customization cards.
- React when it is downplayed in the middle of the game: When the player is shot, give the chance that he will draw his secondary weapon to continue firing. And the example I took was from L4D2 that when an ally was shot he pulled the pistol to continue firing.
These suggestions I made to help the developers a little improve the game. And I do not know how to speak English or write in English anymore if you have any errors I used google translator to translate.