Some help with Maps..

(Loc) #1

Hello everyone,
I just started building maps and I feel I have gotten a good handle on the editor, my downfall so far seems to be scaling the map size… doors, buildings, overall map size…

What I am wondering is… since I play market garden a lot on our RTCW server (]NS[ 4Market - Shrub w/Stats + Teamspeak|118ms| and I like the layout and ideas it has, if there was a way I could get some stage of the source (almost any stage would do) so I can get a feel for creating the scale on maps.

I tried to use the beach map but to much of it was built indoors for me to grasp much of anything. I can understand if you wouldn’t want to release it but I had to try.

Another good layout I like is the frostbite map if someone has source to it or any additional information.

Also, any help/direction would be appreciated.


(redfella) #2

Nib has released his .map files of the Special Edition map pak (se_bunker and se_mtn_assualt). Both of these files have interior spaces that you may be looking for. Also, I have heard that you can get the .map file for the stock map mp_base in one of the mp_pak files (I believe). This may also help you get the scale correct.

Anyways… I would recommend using these numbers:

Door width: 64 min
Door height: 112 min
Ceiling height: 128 min

This is what I generally use for minimums. Dimensions will vary according to architectural purpose. For example; if its a storage building, it obviously won’t be 128 units tall (it will prolly be taller). If its a mine and you are going for a tight/crowded feel, then use the mins. You get the idea.

(Loc) #3

Awesome thanks a ton.

(chavo_one) #4

Two tips for getting scale right:

  1. insert a info_player_start near an area of concern. That box is about the same size as a player.
  2. go here: