I’ve got most of the typography finished. Just need to work on the monastery and details.
My question is how can I implement railguns skybox or something similar into my map.
I need the following:
Thanks if you can help!
I’ve got most of the typography finished. Just need to work on the monastery and details.
My question is how can I implement railguns skybox or something similar into my map.
I need the following:
Thanks if you can help!
For the skybox, you just look for the texture folder ‘sky’ or ‘sky_sd’ and then you should find the the texture you are looking for.
As for the fog and the snow, this are worldspawn settings. So when you select a simple brush in your map and press ‘n’ or ‘m’ (don’t remember exactly) then you see the worldspawn settings. Now check in the railgun map file what those are and then give them into your worldspawn settings.
OK, the fog is working but it’s too thick. I’ve messed with settings (farplanedist) and (fog) but it doesn’t change anything. Could it be that I don’t have the map coordinates set?
That would actually make since to me. But how does one know the map coordinates? I’m talking about (mapcoordsmaxs) and (mapcoordsmins).
Is it possible to make a brush fog and place it where you want it?
Any help would be appreciated.
this is a good place to start…
the fog in a brush I have never gotten it to work…
Ok it’s still not working. Thank you for the link BTW.
I have my max at “13187 0”
I have my min at “0 13187”
Below is a picture of my map. According to my settings is this correct?
My problem is no matter what I set the fogclip or the farplanedist. The fog is the same distance from the player.
I’m trying to get more of my map showing than less. In other words I want the fog to be visible but just about my whole map to be visible too…
Imo it will be better to do it in shader.
In Radiant, use only this for worldspawn:
Key: _fog
Value: textures/fog/fog
…make your own way if you want, ofc.
Then make a shader file with shader like this:
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm fogfogparms ( 0.9 0.9 0.8 ) 32768
A screenshot how it should look if its done as I did (tryed to use your map size):
Then if you feel it isnt enough, play with the last number in the shader - 32768… it is value how far can you see.
Numbers in ( ) are RGB colors.
Two thing, 13187 is extremely large and so large maps give a lot of problems. Better go smaller. Goldrush is 8000x8000 and is already a large map, 2nd, your terrain should be a multiple of 2 and yours isn’t. Also this might give you a headache.
So better reconsider this project
FYI the idea behind the fog in this engine, is to hide a large part of the map.
So if you for example load radar, and set r_zfar 90000, you will suddenly have no fog - but the map will only partially be rendered - cause that part would normally be hidden behind fog. So yes the fog is always centered around you.
Else what you can do, is something like battery where it seems foggy in the distance (at least to me), but there is no fog; its just clever use of textures.
There is a map by SimonOC, http://www.simonoc.com/pages/design/concept/bridgecrane.htm
On that screenshot - well its not so good visible; but there is a large shaft going down; and it seems like foggy; but again its just clever use of textures.
I always wanted the centre to be filled with fog but I did not want the usual solid fog effect where the top edge is well defined. So I decided to alpha blend the walls with the colour of the fog instead and it created a lovely effect where the fog is thicker at the sides giving the illusion of a gradual density downwards.
I have no idea what this means.
It’s very frustrating when I put a setting the right way, and it doesn’t work. Is the engine broken?
No matter what number I put in the shader or in the worldspawn, the distance of the fog is the same. I’ve taken screenshots to confirm this.
I would be willing to send the map and files to anyone that can help.
Thank you,
[QUOTE=Stealth;544599]I have no idea what this means.
It’s very frustrating when I put a setting the right way, and it doesn’t work. Is the engine broken?
No matter what number I put in the shader or in the worldspawn, the distance of the fog is the same. I’ve taken screenshots to confirm this.
I would be willing to send the map and files to anyone that can help.
Thank you,
Best map is square, 4086x4096 or similair
[QUOTE=Stealth;544599]I have no idea what this means.
It’s very frustrating when I put a setting the right way, and it doesn’t work. Is the engine broken?
No matter what number I put in the shader or in the worldspawn, the distance of the fog is the same. I’ve taken screenshots to confirm this.
I would be willing to send the map and files to anyone that can help.
Thank you,
It means your coordinates have to be able to be devided by 2 so e.g. 8000x 8000 etc but not 8001x8001
I just wanted everyone here to know that I’m a moron. I wasn’t using the right BSP settings to compile the fog correctly. Thank you for all your help.
I’ve done the developer 1 and the generatetracemap after making my map “square” mins -0 9728/maxs 9728 -0) and it still isn’t snowing. ARGH!
What is not showing up? The athmosperic effect? I see that your map is still roughly 10000 x 10000. its not depending on your problem but its very large. Remember smaller projects are faster finished as large projects. So this might be a motivator if its not that large maps are more difficult and less liked
Back to your problem. You want the fog closer, correct? Can you post your map file here please?
The fog is fixed. It isn’t snowing now. I’ve done all the requirements.
I’ve squared my map
I’ve set cords
I’ve added atmosphere/T=SNOW,B=5 10,C=0.5,G=0.3 2,BV=20 30,GV=25 40,W=3 5,D=2400 in the Skybox brushes.
I’ve compiled my map
I’ve set sv_pure 1
I’ve set developer 1
I’ve set generatetracemap
Still no snow!
Just so you know, only 20% of my map is accessible. The other 80% is just eye candy environment.
The map was inspired by the monastery in the movie Solomon Kane. See picture below. This is the enviroment I’m looking for. This is what the monastery will look like. Next to a frozen lake.
But I need it to snow! LOL
Snow will come at the very end when you have all necessary files in place, like tracemap, levelshots, etc
Just generating the tracemap is not sufficient, you need a shader for it etc
If you have the snow settings in your worldspawn and you have the tracemap, levelshots shader etc in place, then you will have snow. Is your tracemap working? Shader in place?
Can I get a picture in game with the compass on? I wanna see if your tracemap works. Also, can I get a picture of your limbo menue and of brush showing your worldspawn settings?