Solo/Duo Queue in Ranked Season 1

(RazielWarmonic) #61

I recommend utilizing and the private lobby function for now. They will come back in the future, promise. :slight_smile:

(NetflixandKill) #62

Pickup games. Organize PUGs. Private Match is a thing now. Yeah, you don’t “rank up”, but it’s a solution for 5v5 competitive. Get a bunch of to5’s. Start a league. Get people to cast it. Profit. I don’t know. There are solutions.

(Dagasawr) #63

@RazielWarmonic this has probably already been asked but why didnt you just add a 5v5 tick box in the search options for 5v5/3man queues so that the people who are willing to brave the extra long queue can do so ?

(Ardez1) #64

With this in mind, we decided to remove the 5-Player queue for Ranked Season 1, as finding a game in a decent amount of time would essentially require two teams telling each other when to join the queue… almost as if it were a private match. In the short-term we’re prioritising improving the Private Match feature to help Clans play matches against each other.

^ From the first post.

(gossamerYouth) #65

Was funny to talk to a developer yesterday who had no clue the graph was -Queries made- and not -games played-

Also when a 5 man team makes a querie, it 5 people looking for a match. Since 1 man queries count as 1, 5man queries should count as 5 people making the search. In this manner it affect many more people. So if you would make the graph for individual people playing (and also actual played matches, not queries) im curious to see the outcome. And wouldnt surprise me if more than 70% of people that played a match was in a 5 man pre-made. (this was my expierence from playing MM in a team 4+ hours every night)

Imo the community has never seen this as a problem. The problem was elites / cobalts getting set up against silver teams. And this unbalance is still going strong.

Annyway Q times are longer than ever, teams are more unbalanced than ever, teamplay / tactics are totally gone, people are starting fights over getting kill/revived and 60% of my friends are back to CSGO.

Could it be fair to say the expiriment failed and its time for season 3?