So, how's Stopwatch supposed to work?

(watsyurdeal) #1

When I say that, I mean, isn’t the enemy team basically supposed to do what your team did, but faster?

For example, Chapel, repair, escort, delivery

If the first team manages to do all 3, you have to beat their time.

If they only manage to repair the ev, but not get it all the way to the end, isn’t the opposing team just supposed to deliver the ev period, regardless of how long it takes?

I’m asking because I am basing my knowledge of it off of Team Fortress 2, and that’s basically how it plays.

If you get the cart to the end, the enemy has to beat your time, if not, they only have to get past where your team failed. Time limit wouldn’t be an issue.

I ask because there have been games where the enemy team, or my team should have won, as we succeeded where the enemy failed the first time, but the game kept going.

(Gi.Am) #2

Hm it’s been a long time since I played TF2 but I think they tracked the distance of the cart and you won if you pushed it farther then the opposing team.

DB in contrast only sees completed objectives. Let me illustrate with Chapel.

scenario 1: Team A manages all 3 objectives in 10 minutes.
Team B has to do all 3 objectives in less than 10 minutes to win.

scenario 2: Team A finishes objective 1 in 30 sek. but only manages to move the EV to the first corner under the bridge.
Team B has to do objective 1+2 in 15 Minutes (getting the EV to the Elevator) to win.

Now lets assume Team B fail to do that. They do objective 1 in 1 minute and than push the EV all the way up infront of White chapel.

In TF2 they would have won cause they got the EV farther (the game would end the second the EV moved a little bit past the bridge).

However DB doesn’t care how far you get the EV all it cares for is if you did the second objective or not. And both teams didn’t, it will compare the times of the first objective instead.

Which in our example means Team A actually won since they where quicker with the repair.

(Hexa) #3

That’s actually a pretty broken system for competitive mode, technically there should be progress bars for everything as currently winner in case of objectives not completed is decided on “whoever attacked first”.

Destroy objects
How far through C4 planting you got: 0-100
Until what point you defended your C4: 0-100
Did your C4 Explode: yes/no

Same formula for another objectives

Escort EV
How much of EV you repaired: 0-100
How far you escorted your EV: 0-1000 (for more detailed scale)
Did you escort your EV: yes/no
How far did you get through picking up objective 0-100
How far did you get through delivering it 0-100
Did you deliver first objective: yes/no

Then same formula for second

Then if you finished all task, whoever did the task first… it should also show hundreth of a second so

If you really want this game to be competitive, deciding winner should be clear and detailed… not “whoever played first”

And if everything is equal… then winner should be decided on team’s overall score.

However DB doesn’t care how far you get the EV all it cares for is if you did the second objective or not. And both teams didn’t, it will compare the times of the first objective instead.

Which in our example means Team A actually won since they where quicker with the repair. [/quote] problem is that dirtybomb doesnt even care about that, it seems to care only about whoever played first, please take a look at thread i made in a bug report section.

(Gi.Am) #4

First of that looks indeed like a bug as far as I can see it, you should have won that match (maybe submit a ticket).

But honestly I think the current system is fine as is (aside from going on even if one site can’t win anymore).

The condition of who did the first objective faster forces teams to play hard and fast from minute 1 (no slow poking around). And the game gives you definitive goals (detonate C4 get EV from point A to B) you either fullfill or not.

But tracking how close someone came to reaching a set goal and deciding a winner that way is like deciding a winner in football (european), by looking who missed the goalpost the closest.

(glamorousMoon) #5

I only played a couple rounds and didn’t care for it. However, I would think that if first team fails to complete the first objective, the second team would only have to complete that first objective to win. If neither completes an objective then points earned could be a tie breaker.

(Yahiko94) #6

In the first pic, enemy team set the time. We were faster than the enemies, but still draw. (“Gleichstand” is german and means draw)

In the second pic, we set the time. They were faster and they won. Bug or is there another logic in this SW system?