For what it’s worth, I’ve been moving to Overwatch, trying to find a similar game without sniping cancer.
Well, sadly Overwatch is nothing like DB. It’s clearly a clone of TF2, mixed with Street Fighter I’d say (for the special abilities & stuff). So it’s way more a shooter than an obj game. It surely looks gorgeous but it feels very dumbed down, I don’t know.
Anyway, snipers… yeah that’s a problem in Overwatch as well, but MUCH LESS. 3/4 of the matches I’ve played so far had no sniper. And also, Overwatch has a HERO LIMIT, which probably helps as well. But yeah, in the remaining 1/4 of matches, I was instakilled from nowhere, just like it happens all the time in DB.
Back to DB, all of the games I played yesterday were filled not only with sniper cancer, but also with phantom cancer. So much that I thought that phantom was in free rotation… but it’s not? What gives?
And I ended up, by pure luck, in a match with NO, ABSOLUTELY NO cancer class, and it was really a great one. But it’s so rare.