*sneakes behind enemies to plant C4* "ARMING THE C4!"

(approvingGlow) #1

It doesn’t make too much sense that the merc is shouting out “ARMING THE C4” so loud and clear that every defender can hear it.

The team-mates don’t need it, a real human wouldn’t do it, so the merc shouldn’t yell it out like that either.
It has botched so many C4 plantings for me, really annoying.

(sinKrin) #2

The audio clip only goes to your teammates AFAIK.
You do hear the bipping of the code when they are arming.

(Yak) #3

Enemies can’t hear your team’s merc chatter, but they can hear the button presses/beeping of c4 planting.

(DxDark) #4

@Yak said:
Enemies can’t hear your team’s merc chatter, but they can hear the button presses/beeping of c4 planting.
For obvious reasons.

Which is why a smart player waits until there is gun fire nearby or until everyone has passed before planting…

I was the only person still up on, so I put a ammo bag on top of the generator next the locked door on that trainyard map, and waited until my team started back towards to blocker carriage before I planted.

Had I planted alone, their whole team would have heard my ass back there. -_-