
(Nail) #1

are smilies disabled or am I doing something wrong ?

(badman) #2

They should be working fine, though they are limited to eight per post.


(zig-zag) #3

@nail -
The default Message Editor Interface is set to basic, meaning when posting or replying only the basic text options appear. For full control, go to User CP --> Edit Options, scroll all the way down to “Miscellaneous Options”, and change drop-down box to “Standard Editor”.

(-SSF-Sage) #4

Thanks for the tip, Zig-Zag! :stroggtapir:

(Nail) #5

thanks zig-zag, and badman


(kamikazee) #6

What did actually happen to all those other smilies?

For example, we had the vanilla dancing banana, the “parteh!” sombrero smiley or even the famous drunkard smiley.

And most importantly, next to the wiggly tapir, the nagman. How could we forget?

(hjyk126) #7

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(nsk) #10

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