(BioSnark) #1

Wondering if y’all forumers had more specific ideas on how you think Splash Damage can build upon Brink’s SMART system for their next game. Many days hence this was briefly a subject of a certain other thread that is in a better place, now :confused: SD aren’t going to change SMART in Brink and most likely neither is anyone else without a SDK. However, they can improve it in another iteration. So, how can it be smarter? Keep it vanilla, add quake and bake or perhaps something else?

Here’s what I think would help:

[li]Basic changes[/li][/ul]
Higher jump height, player movement control in air, faster movement/animation and lower friction and air resistance. Coming out of stunt moves like walljumps, slides and vaults should leave players with increased movement speed but that momentum should gradually dissipate so that they are looking to chain moves when they’re moving in combat or otherwise in a hurry. It doesn’t need to be super showy or even rather showy, just less shallow and more useful than what’s in Brink.

[li]Control and movement abilities[/li][/ul]
Doubletap direction key (“wut 'bout consoles?”, “idc.”) to dodge hop (see UnrealTourny/others) in any of the four basic relative directions and to walljump if at a wall. Spacebar walljumping away from a wall I want my character to climb is unbelievably annoying.

Higher maximum walljump chain of, perhaps, three consecutive walljumps before having to touch the ground. Better player control of wall launch-off direction. People don’t need to be sailing through the air like birds, just to be effectively using walljumps for something.

Press use/interact to grab ledge, space to climb up, crouch or use/interact to drop. Sidearms and grenades can be used while hanging.

Ass skiing should be sprint + jump/fall + crouch, not sprint + crouch. The latter ends up cutting through teammates, out of cover and just generally activating when not desirable or intended. Additionally, the longer the fall or steeper the incline being slid down, the faster the slide and higher the maintained momentum after getting back up should be.

Pressing space while walking/running/sprinting against a low obstacle to vault over small cover/railings or up low platforms is fine. Simply running at them in Brink leads to accidental SMART actions.

[li]Possible body class implementation[/li][/ul]
More heavily armored weights classes have worse jump height and ledge climb reach. Speed is also comperatively slower (but faster than Brink’s) but they pick up speed over time and can pick up a lot of momentum to put into slides or launch off walls. Players are knocked back if they get sprinted or slid into by a heavier body class on the enemy side. Heavier classes also knock lighter classes back farther or higher with blunt melee attacks. Heavies and possibly mediums have higher damage resistance to frontal attack than to flanking damage.

[li]SMARTer map design[/li][/ul]
Finally, on map design, ET:QW maps were comparative sandboxes (open battlefield restricted at edges) that were varied by including corredor sections inside them. That design is far superior to only having the corredor areas in terms of supporting a feeling of player freedom of movement.

[li]Important bit[/li][/ul]
Oh, yes. You thought I forgot the important bit. These things need shiny acronyms so this could be the NINJA system. That would be the Non-Intellegent Ninja Jumping and Agility system :wink:

(INF3RN0) #2

I approve this, share a lot of these thoughts. Gud post snarky.

(light_sh4v0r) #3

yep, +1

(wolfnemesis75) #4

More places to Smart to. More rooftop areas to traverse using Smart. No invisible walls. A copious amount of hidden routes, vents, ducts, ledges, platforms, pipes to slide under, etc.

More combos jumps that can be chained together to climb higher. More interactions on levels that make SMART more valuable. Places that are difficult to SMART to, but if successful make available a lever, hack, mainframe, switch, etc. that changes the conditions of the battlefield slightly. SMART+a kick attack.

A SMART execution from above as an ability that can be purchased.
More things to mantle or climb like basic ladders, rope, and wires.

(Stormchild) #5

/signed 10char !

(sereNADE) #6

SD, take biosnark as a paid consultant. you can then rest easy no longer having public beta and you can delete those “advice from DICE” threads.

(jana) #7

Meh, regardless of the amount of badds that have joined smarter, it is still a great guild to be in, probably 30% of badds are alts, and the other 30% of badds are just friends, this is why we have a rank called friend and low place. for badds, and yes… Ex-FWC people are in it… :frowning:

(Oschino1907) #8

Hopefully they can get their hands on the id Tech 5 engine and make some of these things work and come to next gen consoles with Brink 2. There is so much potential there already with Brink and after playing Rage its just amazing whats gonna be capable with future games using that engine even on this gen consoles let alone next gen and current/future PCs. If they take their time and listen to everyone from all sides and stick to the core values of the game ideas like these and others to come could lead to a robust full fledged game. Newer multiplayer game modes like parkour racing or obstacle courses, great seperate single player or co-op story mode. Brink is already fairly deep, it could get much deeper but still be easy to understand and grasp. Just can’t get over how great Brink 2 could be with id5 and time to polish the crap out of it to make it all that its capable of, the ground work is already there, they just need to keep running with it.

(wolfnemesis75) #9

Brink needs to come out on the Xbox 720 with SMARTer.

(tokamak) #10

This is rich.

(Oschino1907) #11

Well if that is Rich then I will be Frank but who will you be???

(tokamak) #12

Call me Stern.

(Humate) #13

End the lockout imo :frowning:

(Humate) #14

Couple of questions:

  1. Would this new and improved smart system be used in combat?
  2. What should the damage model be like with a game that uses the smart system?
  3. Why not just replace smart with a jump-pad on sections of the map?

Assuming the next game is based on the ET model, I dont feel the whole ‘cover shooter’ style works very well with that model. And I think thats the aspect of smart that comes across as most useful. Sliding from cover to cover. The travelling aspect of smart can be replaced with other stuff like ladders and ramps and jump-pads… even vehicles. If SD decides to use smart again in a new ET game, how potent do you think the weapons are going to be? Triple HS = dead? Or more like the spray and pray nature of Brink - that allows players the opportunity to use the smart system?

Give me the icarus anyday.

(wolfnemesis75) #15

I still feel Smart worked really well and was one of the best and most fun aspects of Brink. So I’d just tweak rather than make radical changes. If it ain’t broke, why fix it? Some small adjustments like I suggested would expand the use of it, and that’s mostly what you want. Other areas of Brink can be tweaked. But that’s all. Most of it worked well in terms of SMART. Just make it SMARTer.

(tangoliber) #16

The ideas in the original post are improving on the system already in place. They don’t seem like radical changes to me.

I like the ideas for the UT dodge hop, and sliding.

The only thing I don’t want is hanging. I think the focus of Brink should be on mobility, and so I don’t like anything that encourages players to stand still… I personally don’t like the fact that leaning and iron sights are included in this game. But it isn’t a big deal…I could accept it if included…and it would definitely create some funny moments where someone who is hanging in a weird spot up high is unseen and ends up killing the objective class.