smartass needed

(Shelly) #21


yeah i still enjoy sniping, so i ll stick to that and to good servers.

(Dthy) #22

Means you’re doing it to fast boy! Slow down, you might pull a muscle.


(Breo) #23

Skipping the reload time with the sr/rg is a glitch that should be fixed already :mad:
If your not full health it’s a OHK on the chest with the high damage of the long range weapons.

(jopjop) #24

I think the autosniper is a nice feature rather than a glitch but I understand that people don’t like it that much. I’m pretty sure that it will not be fixed… ever… but in the remote possibility it would be nice that they did the sniper switchoff similar to railgun so that once you’ve fired it won’t hang on to your eye until reload finishes.

(Dthy) #25

I’d like that, way better than autosniping imo.

(INF3RN0) #26

Don’t really think it matters. Besides a few names we all know, I’ve seen/know plenty of good snipers, but none of which make the weapon seem OP. An AR always turns out more kills as it’s plain easier to use. An experienced sniper can get some OMG SKILLZ kills in a game, but they rarely carry their team more than a good rifle. The sniper is probably the best weapon technically, but you would need an aimbot to really put it to maximum use. I don’t see pr0s getting 100% accuracy nor do I see nabs getting 1% accuracy; 1.5 hitboxes balanced it well and quick scoping won’t save someone with bad aim. The weapon swap bug however is the only thing that should be patched, because it decreases the importance of precise aim.

(Apples) #27

Yeah the thing is even if sniper is a powerfull weapon, I almost never seen someone better with a sniper than an AR, its very situation dependant tho and a good sniper is allways a powerfull asset to any team, especially outdoor (IMO) on 4on4 because it restricts the higher grounds for the enemy, and then inside can cover the long pathway effectively when some mates with an AR can end the guyz with 25hp left after a missed hs from the sniper.

I’m sucky at sniping and at aiming in general so I never tryed that much, especially on promod, but as Inferno said I dont see one good sniper with 3 noob winning anything, a sniper is super powerfull if his teammates around are solid enough IMO.


(jopjop) #28

Yeah it is very situation dependant but in those situations that you Niplez mentioned a good sniper like dtwsh for example does so much damage that it impaires the opponent and rest of the team with ar’s can move in and finish the enemy off with ease. Situations like sewer: taking out the roof, and the obj yard and possibly some dewds from 1st floor also in the beginning you can take out ppl running to def and ppl running to spawn. On island: the very beginning you can take out ppl running to obj and ppl on top of the mountain. Second obj if you cant get it youll take out the strogg hiding inside the “tunnel” and last obj its easy to take out strogg lurking on the mountain. Those are just some situations. These are not close combat situations I know. When doing close combat atleast for the moment I hope the enemy is not full health so it takes one hit to quickly finish him off. Sewer last obj when trying to get inside the hacking room. The sniper does a mean job watching the entry way.
You dont want to duel with sniper rifle head on since it has the lower hand in many situations but you have to have something against the noob who thinks you are easy prey. I personally am slighlty intimitaded to go against surtain ppl with rilfes on 1on1 cos it will be over soon… you just don’t know which way.
I dont think it’s a good decision to play sniper only (atleast after 1.2 patch) but I feel it’s underrated since there are not many players who can play it with enough balls.
Inferno, Apless: well yeah but thats just why atleast I practise with it so much. It’s a different play style and aiming is paramount. Most situations that come in ETQW fall to the AR’s comfort zone. Damage wise it’s very OP and the only weakening factor is the guy holding the mouse, like you guys pointed out.
P.S How do you mean this is off topic? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Violator) #29

I find I’m better with the sniper/RG than AR as I think it suits my playing style better (prefer the support role and probably only win about 5% of 1 on 1’s with AR though my acc is usually around 35%) so I’m either off sniping or doing the (non-rambo) med thing.

(Dthy) #30

Tbh, the main reason i started sniping indoors was because i’d see no-one place down a radar for indoor objectives (They would all go the objective class for teh 1337 stats) so the team would be seriously raped. Like previously stated, the quickfire bug/glitch negates the need to aim for headshots, since two body shots with a sniper is enough to kill anybody (i think a single body shot does 85 damage, not to sure). Im trying to not use it as much since seeing as i won’t have to aim for the head, i find that when i use the AR i tend to aim at the body more so it brings down my aim overall. Only times when i use it are when im flanked/surprised by an enemy. Also, using it messes up your ability to snipe at range (i suck at range, because i’ve gotten used to getting body shots).

(INF3RN0) #31

I know a lot of people will just body-shot and swap to 2ndary, but I like to always go for the head as it takes the most effort. I would suggest that the sniper do only 45-60 dmg with a body shot though, but I think it all depends on the area you hit them (can’t remember the exact numbers).

(hamza123) #32

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