small gothic map

(secs) #1

The lighting seems to take more time than layout!

(swelt) #2

Looks nice - though I hope those jutting bricks don’t interfere with the player too much. Quite hard to do a gothic map with the assets that came with the game - since id used so many models for hell (and only did 1 full hell level) there’s just not alot of textures to work with. I see you are using candles for lights, you might want to experiment with some func_emitter’s with flame type particles as another lightsource if you need some variety - stuck on the end of a stick to make a torch, or in the mouth of a skull for instance.

(secs) #3

The cut out door ways are ok, I think. It’s open enough for clear passage, but if you wanna run into a stone you could.

I need to find a good particle tutorial somewhere.

(Zombie13) #4

Aye, thats looking quite nice there gg :slight_smile:

Particles are pretty simple to use, run editparticles from the console save your new particle, load that into a func_emitter, compile the map, run the map, and edit the particle in realtime, by playing with the settings from the particle editor, that’s what I did to learn them, that easy.


(swelt) #5

Indeed. And that’s if you decide to create your own, rather than use ones from the game. If all you want is that, add a func_emitter, hit the particles button (short snooze), find one you like. F6 (iirc, maybe f8?) to preview +anim in the editor.

(Loffy) #6

Nice looking map - I like the stairs!
// Loffy

(nonentity) #7

Looks nice so far, but the texturing seems very repeative. I’m aware that the number of gothic/hell textures is very limited, but you seem to have just used the same brick texture for everything. How about using some other styles of brickwork in places, possibly smaller bricks on the main walls and those large bricks for supports.