Slow & Laggy In-Topics Scrool Down/Up

(Donnovan) #1

Screen scrool in topics is extremely slow, like if i’m using windows xp with default VGA video card driver.

I’m using Internet Explorer 8 and up to date video drivers.

No matter if the topic have or not have images, it scrools really slow and laggy.

Someone can help?

(Nail) #2

I have absolutely no lag, scrolls as fast as I can spin mwheel

(Donnovan) #3

Found the problem. The zoom was on 115%. Changed it to 100% and now it’s ok!

I don’t remeber to have changed the zoom factor! May be i did it acidentaly.

Thanks for the participation :slight_smile:

(darthmob) #4

You know what your problem is? The Internet Explorer! A proper browser has no problems with scrolling text even when zoomed in.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

(Donnovan) #5

You mean Firefox? :slight_smile:

I will test mine here to see how it performs :cool: