Shuffling Teams in Server Browser Matches

(geefunkster) #41

Shuffle pre-match, people can squad up in MM if they want that. Also don’t award game win xp to anyone who switched in second half of the match or at least the last few mins of second half.

(rosskii) #42

I am really worried that DB is not taking the tier suggestion seriously. Ive been on servers with 10+ players of over level 100, which was great fun, but I died and spectated this guy on my team, he was level 8, clueless, couldn’t aim, he got absolutely destroyed, I felt bad for him. Ending with a K/D ratio of 0/26. Do you think he came back to play again? I doubt it. I wonder what his K/D would have been if all the other players on the server were levels around his level? He might have got a kill… lol. So the lesson here should be, keep your new players so the community grows, to do that, dont expose them to high skilled players because people only keep playing games that are fun.

On the flip side. I join a server with high ranks on opposite team. I engage and get pushed back. I look around me and there is nobody there. My team are all camping in strange places around the map. I check scores and see most of them are level 10’s, 3 of them sniping, Later a medic runs past my dead body, looks at me for a second and continues running. I can tell you now, my thoughts are why am I bothering to play this game? So if I want to quit DB because I’m forced to play with noobs, and noobs are quitting the game because they dont enjoy getting rekt so hard, then how is this game suppose to grow its community?

Now when you release the 1.0 you might get some of the old db players back for a while. If they dont see the issues fixed that caused them to quit in the first place, then I don’t think they will hang around for long.

I discussed this on dbnations discord, at first there were some criticism, from misunderstandings I think. But when I explained it properly they had nothing more to say. I feel with this community if people agree they just keep quiet, they will only really comment if they disagree. Doesn’t really give the dev’s much to go on, in terms of working out what the community thinks about suggested ideas. But I just hope they see the logic in this because I strongly believe the community will grow as a result.