Since day one the devs have refused to shuffle by XP. For the only reason that “yeah sometimes low lvls are good players”. Yet, nothing that has been implemented has worked… isn’t it time to just give up and at least try shuffling by XP?
I’m just concluding by what I see. I compare the sum of the lvls of the team that’s getting stomped around spawn, and usually, most of the time, it’s way lower.
Yes, sometimes it happens, very rarely, that the team with the lowest lvl sum is winning. But what’s sure is that most of the time the balance just sucks. And most of the time the current shuffling just either doesn’t change anything, or simply flips the stomping sides.
And EVEN if shuffling by XP gave us a 50% chance of balanced match, it’d still be way way better than what we have now.
Also, only the team with the lowest XP should be able to vote shuffles. Shuffles don’t pass, simply because the stomping team vote against. I always vote against, when I’m on the stomping side. I’d be a real idiot if I voted to get sent to the stomped side, thus I vote against.
And yeah, maybe lots of good players will start over new accounts to cheat the system. Who cares, it will still be better than what we have now.
I’ve heard that the current system involves previous win/losses, is that true? Because if it is, it’s pretty dumb. I mean, tying a shuffle to something that the player hardly had any control over… Yes, whether you win or lose is luck, if you’ve been put on the stomped side, you lose.
Now if the game uses the in-match XP comparison to shuffle next games, then that doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but it’s not what I heard.
Edit: I should mention that I’m talking about the server browser. I’m not using matchmaking, for the reason that I’m not a masochist. Waiting for 10min to join a game (that will most likely be shitty anyway), no thank you. Even if it worked, I wouldn’t do it.
Talking about this, I feel like the game doesn’t have enough backdoors.
Back to Wolf:ET days, can’t remember the name of that default map - you had to escort the tank to the enemy’s base.
Thing is, you could be with a crap team and still win that map, because you’d pick spy, steal an enemy’s uniform, get inside the base from the locked door, and providing you had at least 1 other good teammate, get him inside and he’d plant.
DB maps don’t have enough of this. I’m not talking about semi-sneaking parts like Bridge has. When your team get spawnraped in Bridge, you can generally sneak behind the enemy and you can repair easily, there isn’t anyone guarding the EV because they all got too cocky. So in a way some maps provide ways for 1 or 2 good players to change the deal, but they only do that for 1 part of the map. There is simply no map that give hope to a shitty team.
No, what’s missing is a direct access to the last objs. Something that would give hope to a shitty match. Right now you generally know when you have zero chance to win.
I’m not saying I know how this would be possible in DB… perhaps through backdoors that would take like 2 or 3 minutes of eng time to open them.