Hello there,
I am about the run my own ET server (nq 1.2.0 mod) and my issue is
connected to the shrubbot. I would like to create in shrubbot, command
called !kicks. It would be kicking players for spawnkilling at my
server. I added the women sound saying PLAYER KICKED and also i put in
the cp message called PLAYER KICKED FOR SPAWNKILLING!. My question is,
what do i have to write in shrubbot, in order to make this command to kick rulebreaking player? I have tried sth
likt that:
command = kicks
exec = playsound sound/osp/playerkicked.wav; cp ^4|^1!!!^1PLAYER
KICKED!!!^4| ^3You have been kicked for spawnkilling!; qsay ^3You have
been kicked for ^1spawnkilling!^3Please, see the ^1spawnkilling^3 rules
on website!
desc = kick spawnkiller
levels = 18 19 20 100 125 500 666 777 888 997 999
I tried to write in exec “client clientkick” or “players playerkick” or
“user userkick” but unfortunately i didnt work:/. Can You help me with
that issue? I would be really thankfull.
Best Regards