Ask any engineer. Yes, he can. You can’t really push medic back and leave him badly wounded. This works against all other classes. Medic will be seconds.On battery, field op is often low on health as soon as he calls an airstrike/arty. He needs a medic, and can no longer do much alone.
On Fuel Dump, medic can survive on his own, and later take weapons from opponents. Take a medic or two and camp bridge area. NO, it doesn’t cost more (2 players) than a single field op, because medics can do things a field op can’t. Medics will make sure no one can reach the grate, or jump over barbed wire (near bridge). Additionaly, medics sitting there make life harder for sniping covert ops.
can a medic win FuelDump by a sneaky move? No, but am engineer together with a CovOps can.
Yes, he can, because against anyone but newbiest teams, there will be at least one or two people defending the path to fuel dump. Medics are better for clearing route than anyone else - lone covert almost can’t shoot because he’ll lose disguise, and it doesn’t take much to kill an engy.
Similarly, medics are the best for countering sneaky moves on fuel dump, because they’re the toughest class. Sneaky plant already requires a covop and engy - both classes are good against landmines, covop better, but anyway, no other classes can clear mines.
Can a Medic defend the truck-approach to the gold in GoldRush all on it’s own? no, but a MG42 can.
This is bullshit. There are many ways of taking out MG42, like rifle grenades, snipers, standard grenades even, fire support, mortar, smoke grenade, or even smg if you come from the right side. Mg42 is good, but it’s the last ‘class’ I would call self-sufficient. Aside from people covering your back, you need ammo, but you always start with just 1 clip. Guess which class drains ammo cabinets more ? 30 ammo per clip medic,or 150 clip soldier ? And you often don’t even have time to get up and run away against arty/airstrike.
Medics don’t have the same firepower as mg42, but are much more flexible and can dodge stuff. And on Gold Rush, both stationary MG42s overlooking bank are actually worth using. Medics are very good for stationary MG42s.
If people want to be the best in 1:1 firefights, they should pick the Medic (preferably in a different game where deathmatches are still the way to go), if you want to win the map instead, true teamwork between the classes is still the way to go, because for every situation there is a class best suited for the job, and in most cases but 1:1 firefights it’s not the medic.
Aww, but Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is 90% 1:1 firefights.
The situation is likely to change a bit in ET:QW, but I don’t see any reason other than vehicles.
Someone complaining making medics weaker will force players to use more medics: wrong.
At the moment, majority of medpacks are eaten by medics. We could do with existing medics provided they would help others a bit. I occasionaly even meet players who openly say “I don’t heal” when asked for help.
I already suggested solution: medics unable to actively heal themselves, but with buffed passive health regen. With right numbers, it would slow selfheal speed a bit without doing anything to medics ability to heal others. In fact, they would be able to heal people MORE this way, because they wouldn’t use charge bar when automatically healing themselves.
Someone saying slowing down healthpack ‘rate of fire’ would be beneficial: wrong.
It would hinder helpful medics. I think medic ‘ubersoldier’ potential should be lowered to make it closer to others, but without affecting patients.
So many people seem to have never played Quake 3 Fortress. In that game (mod by Splash Damage) medics regenerate health very slowly, and can’t actively heal themselves. Yet they were one of popular classes, especially for flag capping and harassment. But it was largely due to their higher than usual speed, ability to masturbate with concussion grenades, and independence on ammo affected by engy’s pulse grenades (rockets, shells). But it proves medics can be played without being uber powerful; medics had to be careful with soldiers and minigunners, for example.