Hey guys! Sorry for the short notice but we will be taking servers down for a quick update. I will let you know when they are back up!
Hey guys! Sorry for the short notice but we will be taking servers down for a quick update. I will let you know when they are back up!
Hey @MissMurder is there anyway that splashdamage can institute and IN GAME warning/message letting people know that maintenance is coming? that way they dont rage as bad as I just did when saw the server going down and not being able to find a server to join. Seeing open beta is tomorrow, this would be a great way to keep people informed instead of thinking “omg this game is shit and went offline already for no reason, etc etc”
Ohhhh that explains this then. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/538524739853555555/AA9039724D24BE3E5219B6E34B6645101C4B2083/