Server Authentication

(radoprime) #21

The gad of game is sliping .enemy terrytory not ourking

(radoprime) #22

Not able to reache update server

(timestart) #23

Just tried testing it here, Linux server authenticates fine but Windows one didn’t. :confused:

(Runeforce) #24

Idk if this is related, but last Thursday we were unable to get our public etqwpro server running under linux authenticated (for some reasons our passworded qwta and etqwpro could be authenticated just fine.)

(sereNADE) #25

still having same issue all 3 ways. anybody know what causes this? i kinda want to get my ny server running =D

(Susefreak) #26

I recall an issue where there would be a conflict with a cfg and startup parameters, can’t recall it exactly, try to load a default server. Maybe that helps

(sereNADE) #27

UK server now authenticating. Had to start with a new server.cfg for some reason. It worked before. Oh well =] Thank you all for your replies. Now I know it’s something from my end but I cannot for the life of me figure out how the formatting in the cfg changed.

(sereNADE) #28

well, any new server i make wont authenticate. only ones that existed prior will restart.

(Crytiqal) #29

I had authentication issue aswell.
Here is how i fix it:

  1. stop the server if it is running
  2. delete serverlicense.dat
  3. close the etqw server port in your router
  4. start the server, it should authenticate
  5. open the port

I think it is an issue with NAT but it worked for me like this.

EDIT: I have full access to a dedicated server.

(OmeletDuFromage) #30

Same here. No authentication after deleting all saved files.
Removing serverlicense.dat doesn’t work for me.

(badman) #31

Looking into this.

(Virus047) #32

Thank Jesus! :smiley: Been trying to get my server working for a solid week.

(Susefreak) #33

I blame Ashog

(Ashog) #34

wtf wtf wtf

ashog here ashog there

Blame apples! He is cornuto!

(Kl3ppy) #35

U love the attention, dont u? :tongue:

(Ashog) #36

Nah, I am just checking the statistics of klepi answering all of my posts :slight_smile:

(Kl3ppy) #37

oh ok, than u get another reply :wink:

(Virus047) #38


Any update on this?

(sereNADE) #39

with one gsp, they took the licensecode file from a canclled server and imported it to another new server and the new server authenticated within 2 days. that’s about all i can say atm for overcoming this issue. still waiting on another gsp to fix, they say they are working with SD on it.

(OmeletDuFromage) #40

Any progress?
We really need the servers up again. All scrims and matches are hindered etc.
It would be nice if the game is patched so that no authentication (external server) is needed.