if i wuold be in bavaria i would say “sers” it is like “hi” but more with dialect and etc… well-used where i live
hi i got 17 a few days ago and i come from germany.
i like:
- programming: not with C++ i only program as a hobby with turbo pascal (e.g. snake, minesweeper, memory and some stupid small stuff, pingpongbots ehm whatever …)
- mapping: like it to “waste” time but i am not good at designing, i am a scripter as it is similar to programming … newest project (that already has been scripted successfully): following objects !!
- music: i play e-guitar: i had a teacher for a short time… i did not really learn there anything… he just made me play some songs like “nothing else matters” … but the really Learning of playing guitar i did by myself…
i play it for about 8 years now… and i also have biiig music knowledge wihtout having any teacher !
i love listening to music play it with my guitar within 30 minutes without having ever heard that song before and analyzing it… i also love composing… current private music project… switch to music that expresses certain feelings e.g. imagine you are playing a role-game where you ahve to find a secret in a mysterious cave then i would be able to (or i wanna able to be so, but i dont know how good it is as it is my own work and i should not credit myself) do a music that paraphrases this. (i hope)
my favourite music style is (traditionel)thrash metal. e.g. slayer (this is the only band i play on guitar as it is the best thrash metal band of the world)
i also listen to death and (newer)black
i like all music that is NOT boring like music charts (those are mostly boring, not always)
i like atonal notes and dissonances as those are so GOOOD at expressing feelings not those boring tonal music whose only feeling to express is happyness.
so this is the reason why i like such music like thrash meatl and black metal and death metal…
yeah i did not tell them to scream terrible but anyway i like that too:P it fits to the aggressive music style
… i could tell my livestory here … but i wanna stop - sports_ no i am not a fan of anything (such a fan that watches matches), i prefer just playing it, but i have to say… that nearly never happens… but i still am so good in sports in school that i nearly every year at the end of year my final mark will be the best one…
i mostly like “leichtathletic” perhaps it is called light athletics? xD dunno the english word…
i run 12.0 seconds on 100m and jump 5.25 m long (or is it called far?) - maths: i take part of ALL math competitions i can get (if they are german of course!
as i hate languages! ) - food !!! i eat amazing much (no i am NOT fat!), more than the rest of my family (3 memerbs vs me :P)
i dont like:
- languages ( i am learning on school english and latin)
- all things you only have to learn some dates and remember them later anytime… so all things that are not bound to a PURE logic … a REALLY logic not a “human logic” like … how did world war I start?..
hm… why did the partners just NOT help the “friends” to prevent a war involving alot of nations? - silly jokes
- some other things that ysou dont have to know as i think i will never meet you