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涤纶纺粘无纺衬布: 1、特点 高强度、耐高温性能好(可在150℃环境中长期使用)、耐老化、抗紫外线、延伸率高、稳定性和透气性好、耐腐蚀、隔音、防蛀、无毒。 2、产品规格 切边后最大幅宽:3200mm 最大卷装直径: 1500mm 克重范围: 10-130g/m2 颜色: 可由自定颜色 3、主 要 用 途 1、家庭用品:衣物柔顺剂和添加剂、吸尘器袋。 2、包 装:电缆包布、手提袋、集装袋、包花材料。 3、装 饰:墙壁装饰布、地板革基层、静电植绒基布。 4、农 业:农业丰收布、农作物和植物保护物、杂草防护带。 5、防水材料:高档透气(湿)防水材料基布。 6、工业应用:过滤材料、绝缘材料、电器、加固材料、支撑材料。 7、汽车装饰材料。 8、其 他:复合膜基布、婴儿和成人尿布、卫生巾、防护用品等、一次性卫生材料。 PET SPUN-BOUNDED NONWOVENS Features l Light weight with High strength l High air permeability l High elongation l Superior dimension stability l Abrasive and heat resistance l No fraying even in the cutting edge l High hydrophobic and lipophilic properties l Good receptivity of dyes and high printability Properties: l The biggest width after cutting edge: 3200mm l The biggest roll diameter: 1500mm l Range of g/m2: 10 ?C 130g/m2 l Color: on customer’s request MAJOR APPLICATIONS Personal care: Coating substrates: -Baby and adult diapers -Luggage and handbags -Training pants -Glassfiber reinforced plastics -Sanitary towel, tampone -Synthetic leather -Panty shields Clothing and shoes: Agriculture and horticulture: -Disposable underwear -Greenhouse shading -Protective and working cloth -Crop and plant protection -interlining -Capillary mats -Packing material for fruit & vegetable Home furnishing: Packings: -Carpet underlays -Carrier bags, -Bed lining -Combined packing of nonwovens and plastic -Mattress backing and covers -Flower wrapping materials -Fabric used in furniture construction plastic -Curtain -Table decorator Civic engineering : Medical: -Road and railway -Disposable clothing -Construction -Face mask -Dam and canal lining -Head wear -Ground stabilizing -Shoe cover -Bed linen -Surgical drapes and wraps Specific industrial applications: Automotive and vehicle: -Filtration -Insulation materials -Abrasive materials -Headliners -Cable wrapping -Interior roof lining -Electronics(floppy disk liners) -Backing materials -Reinforcement Household: Miscellaneous: -Laundry softeners and additives -Art canvases -Vacuum cleaner bags -Tents -Book covers -Advertising articles -Tea and coffee bags -Self adhesive materials 涤纶纺粘无纺布产品的市场及其应用 1.建筑材料 建筑材料包括着广泛的材料范围,在涉及到纺粘法非织造布用途中的材料主要是指屋顶防水材料,其次还有墙壁绝热隔音、墙基防水、管道保护、地下排水以及防止树根生长侵害建筑物等用途的材料。目前在我国,应用主要集中在屋顶防水材料领域。 在欧美国家,尤其是欧洲,自80年代末、90年代初就已普及应用了这种性能优越的防水材料,其市场占有率达40%以上,而且大多数为PET纺粘法胎基。我国对聚酯油毡胎基的应用起步较晚,到2000年用量不过2000万m2。但进入新世纪以来,新型防水材料得到较快发展。到2002年以PET纤维为胎基的改性沥青防水卷材应用量达到7000万m2,并持续增长。预测在今后5年,改性沥青防水卷材仍将会以较快速度发展,到2010年所占总量比重将提高到20%以上。我国新型防水材料的潜在市场很大(约8~10亿m2),随着我国经济建设的不断深入发展,PET纺粘法油毡胎基具有乐观的发展前景。 2.土工材料 国外对土工布的应用早在60年代就已开始,美国是世界上土工布消费量最大的国家,它在90年代初对其年用量就在3亿m2以上,近几年用量达到7亿m2。欧洲和曰本的土工布也得到较快发展,欧洲土工布近几年的年用量也在4亿m2左右,其中纺粘法非织造布占非织造土工布的60%左右;曰本在90年代中期以后对土工布的应用有显著的增长。曰本非织造土工布中以纺粘法用量最大,约占非织造土工布总量的60%,而且主要是PET纺粘布。 我国的土工布起步于80年代初,但当时的用量极少,只是试验性的应用。直到1998年特大洪水引起政府的重视,建筑部门把对土工布的应用列入到设计规范中去,并制定了相关的国家标准,土工布才真正得到重视和发展。目前我国土工布的用量已超过3亿m2,非织造土工布占总量比重达到40%左右。我国土木工程建设具有巨大潜在市场,其潜力决不低于美国目前用量的7~8亿m2。专家测算,我国土工布在今后15年仍将以双位数增长,其中增长速度较快的是PET纺粘长丝土工布。 在“十五”及至“十一五”计划期间,我国规划在水利、电力、交通、环境保护、江河治理等各项工程上的投资巨大,包括水利建设、南水北调工程、电力投资、公路和铁路建设、环境工程建设,还有港口、机场、垃圾处理、江河湖海治理、治沙等等工程,投资计达上万亿元。中国在今后10年或更长时间,将会有更多的基础设施工程要建设,对土工布的需求也将会越来越多,中国将成为世界土工合成材料的最大营销市场。 国内PET纺粘针刺非织造布生产能力 目前我国具有约9条PET纺粘法针刺生产线,合计生产能力约3.1万t/a,其中仪征无纺布厂、湖南无纺布厂、河南三力公司、上海佳斯迈威公司、江西国桥公司为引进意大利或西德的生产线,绍兴利达、新疆天利、淅川无纺布、大连恒大等其它为国产生产线,其最小幅宽2.4m,最大幅宽6m。这些生产线最大生产能力4500 t/a,最小生产能力1000 t/a。纺织工业非织造布技术开发中心设计制造的在新疆天利公司运行的4.5m幅宽PET纺粘法土工布和油毡基布两用生产线为国产生产能力较大、产品质量最佳的设备,年生产能力达3500 t/a。 目前这些生产线主要生产的产品包括土工布、工程防渗材料、建筑防水材料、复合增强材料、汽车用布、缓冲材料、鞋用化学片等。其前景甚为可观。
thanks a lot , bump up up up!!The other large figures in my childhood were relatives: my maternal great-grandparents, my great-aunt Otie and great-uncle Carl Russell, and most of all, my great-uncle Orenknown as Buddy, and one of the lights of my lifeand his wife, Aunt Ollie.My Grisham great-grandparents lived out in the country in a little wooden house built up off the ground. Because Arkansas gets more tornadoes than almost any other place in the United States, most people who lived in virtual stick houses like theirs dug a hole in the ground for a storm cellar. Theirs was out in the front yard, and had a little bed and a small table with a coal-oil lantern on it. I still remember peering into that little space and hearing my great-grandfather say, Yes, sometimes snakes go down there too, but they wont bite you if the lanterns lit. Come and buy world of warcraft power leveling, cheap warcraft gold webpage! I never found out whether that was true or not. My only other memory of my great-grandfather is that he came to visit me in the hospital when I broke my leg at age five. He held my hand and we posed for a picture. Hes in a simple black jacket and a white shirt buttoned all the way up, looking old as the hills, straight out of American Gothic.My grandmothers sister Opalwe called her Otiewas a fine-looking woman with the great Grisham family laugh, whose quiet husband, Carl, was the first person I knew who grew watermelons. The river-enriched, sandy soil around Hope is ideal for them, and the size of Hopes melons became the trademark of the town in the early fifties when the community sent the largest melon ever grown up to that time, just under two hundred pounds, to President Truman. The better-tasting melons, however, weigh sixty pounds or less. Those are the ones I saw my great-uncle Carl grow, pouring water from a washtub into the soil around the melons and watching the stalks suck it up like a vacuum cleaner. When I became President FFXI Gil , Uncle Carls cousin Carter Russell still had a watermelon stand in Hope where you could get good red or the sweeter yellow melons.