
(xOCEANx) #1

so where do i get the software development kit for the pc version of brink?

(DrpPlates) #2

you dont…

and you never will…

(xOCEANx) #3

well then who do I contact to request one to be made?

(.Chris.) #4

Bethesda are your best bet.

(xOCEANx) #5

have they even hinted at an sdk?

(FFSturm) #6

sdk? :mad::cool::smiley:

(tokamak) #7

Why would you even want a SDK for a game that isn’t being played?

(montheponies) #8

pity but tokamak is right, even if the sdk was available tomorrow there’s not the playerbase to make it worthwhile…

(INF3RN0) #9

Sdk is only possible in your wet dreams…

(xOCEANx) #10

because some of the biggest problems that keep people from enjoying the game are lack of maps and the diversity between the ones available and a lack of game modes, and if you have played team fortress 2 you would know what the results are from a good sdk. team fortress only had 6 maps to begin with and just a few basic game modes. also I’m sure things such as over exaggerated health points could be modded with the sdk. am i right? i have not used an sdk before so idk if you can modify health or not.

point is if it were advertised and actually made it may actually cause a resurgence in the number of players.

(xOCEANx) #11

last i heard there were 4000 people playing a day on pc version.

(DrpPlates) #12


on what planet???

(check your sources, you’d be lucky to find 40 at any given time and even thats a generous amount…)

unless of course your counting BOTS-- :

(Nail) #13

if you have played team fortress 2 you would know what the results are from a good sdk

Moar HatZ ???

(xOCEANx) #14

a lot of user made maps and game modes

(Terminator514) #15

Splash Damage has said that an SDK is very expensive to produce considering making one takes alot of time, and the time spent making it would be unpaid for the employees. In other words, and SDK is highly unlikely at this point, especially since they are not bringing in any money from Brink right now; also as the other posters have mentioned, the playerbase (on pc) is dwindling quickly, hardly making it worth it to produce an SDK.

Alas, not all hope is lost (for the game, not the SDK), Splash Damage is currently working on a very large number of weapon tweaks (aka complete overhaul of all the weapons). Hopefully that will make the game better for all the remaining players, but I have a feeling after that patch SD will move on to it’s next project.

(tokamak) #16

Trust me, that’s not why people aren’t playing the game right now.

(BioSnark) #17

I’ll never get the chance to start and then abandon a steampunk ninja vs samurai mod. noes… ;_;

(xdc) #18

[QUOTE=Terminator514;380223]Splash Damage has said that an SDK is very expensive to produce considering making one takes alot of time, and the time spent making it would be unpaid for the employees. In other words, and SDK is highly unlikely at this point, especially since they are not bringing in any money from Brink right now; also as the other posters have mentioned, the playerbase (on pc) is dwindling quickly, hardly making it worth it to produce an SDK.

Alas, not all hope is lost (for the game, not the SDK), Splash Damage is currently working on a very large number of weapon tweaks (aka complete overhaul of all the weapons). Hopefully that will make the game better for all the remaining players, but I have a feeling after that patch SD will move on to it’s next project.[/QUOTE]

sounds like a load of crap. A sdk is essentially what they used to make the game. Its their excuse to make more money off of DLC, imo. Besides changing a few easy things to the game so user made content can be downloaded/played, etc when quake 4 already had this (id tech 4, so they would of had to remove the code, etc)

Anyway Brink is never gonna be successful without an SDK. Get someone to make a DM gametype mod for RAGE instead

(Zarlor) #19

Tokamak is right, the lack of an SDK or more maps is not why the game doesn’t have enough players.

I played it again yesterday and I don’t like the movement because it doesn’t feel responsive and SMART keeps making me start to climb up little obstacles I don’t intend to climb. Also, the weapons are frustrating because of the random nature of the spread -I can’t control it. It starts out ok, but then the weapon starts bobbing in random directions. I know these things have been discussed at length already and I will try it again after the weapon tweaks patch is out.

I think SD should license the Source engine and make a game using that. The moving and shooting would be enjoyable in that engine and they could add their special class-based objectives gameplay to that and WIN! I’m wondering if they could do that though because they have always used the id Tech engines from the beginning.

(.Chris.) #20

Drugs, just say no.