SD really need to revert back Sparks Revivr damage or the MPs.

(GatoCommodore) #1

or at least increase the charge because its really hard keeping up if you need to revive and support team at the same time.

let us have more charge.

Make it so that 1 full charge is half the battery so you can still do medicking after doing a shot.

(Da_Mummy) #2

The first time I played Sparks in ages I was constantly mashing R because I thought my Tolen was missing a few Bullets and then realised “whoops seems like I missed a patch or two.”
I gave up a long time ago shooting the REVIVR as an actual weapon because it’s frustrating, not rewarding and it consumes time you could spend healing and reviving your team.

(Rokon2) #3

I generally focus more on Revive than healing. I would throw 2 health packs near teammates that are engagement, and save two myself. That way, they have a tiny bit more sustain and the insurance that they will get insta-ressed with full HP if I’m nearby. Though I find it pretty damn difficult if I’m a solo healer. More charge would be a step in the right direction to be honest. The way Sparks is designed kind of stretches out her kit, specifically the charge on her Revivr.

(SiwaonaDaphnewen) #4

I dislike the fact that Sparks uses same shots to both revive and kill ppl. Kill enemy, finish him and revive team mate with same shot, hmm?

It would be interesting to split firing modes for REVIVR(like Jav rocket launcher):

  1. Combat
  2. Support

That’s the nesessary nerf to revifle to do following buffs:

Combat mode:
Current REVIVR works with ~40 dps on low-charge shots and ~50 on full-charge shots - both with quickcharge. Both have almost no accuracy/recoil penalty. So it is kinda more efficient to go for full charge both for alpha damage and for DPS.

I suggest to change low-charge damage from 20 to 30-35(DPS increaces from 40 to 60-70). Add an accuracy penalty which will reduce effectiveness of lowcharge shots, but will not affect “fullcharge after fullcharge” shots.

This way you could go for higher DPS, spammy, inaccurate shots like Dreiss/Grandeur or you could go for high alpha-damage, accurate shots like MOA.

Support mode:
Standard revives.

…or also ability to heal team mates with REVIVR. Though this could easily make Sparks’ medpacks obselite as team-heal and focus o self-heal…wait do we even need them in this case?