
(m3lior) #1

I am interested to see the different scripts that people are using in game so far, such as for personal stats, spawn timers, etc.

(Matuka) #2

I’ve got a (faulty) spawn timer as well as call configs for each map of which are pretty old-school cpma styled.

(BMXer) #3

Here is a volume script I have been using since early ETQW days. It works in a bunch of different games with a little tweaking.

//Volume Script
seta vol00		"seta s_volume_dB -60;seta vdn vstr vol00;seta vup vstr vol.5;addChatLine '^40.0 ^2Sound ^4off'"
seta vol.5		"seta s_volume_dB -40;seta vdn vstr vol00;seta vup vstr vol01;addChatLine '^20.05 ^2---------'"
seta vol01 		"seta s_volume_dB -35;seta vdn vstr vol.5;seta vup vstr vol02;addChatLine '^20.1 ^2|--------'"
seta vol02 		"seta s_volume_dB -30;seta vdn vstr vol01;seta vup vstr vol03;addChatLine '^20.2 ^2||-------'"
seta vol03 		"seta s_volume_dB -25;seta vdn vstr vol02;seta vup vstr vol04;addChatLine '^20.3 ^2|||------'"
seta vol04 		"seta s_volume_dB -20;seta vdn vstr vol03;seta vup vstr vol05;addChatLine '^20.4 ^2||||-----'"
seta vol05 		"seta s_volume_dB -16;seta vdn vstr vol04;seta vup vstr vol06;addChatLine '^20.5 ^2|||||----'"
seta vol06 		"seta s_volume_dB -12;seta vdn vstr vol05;seta vup vstr vol07;addChatLine '^20.6 ^2||||||---'"
seta vol07 		"seta s_volume_dB -8;seta vdn vstr vol06;seta vup vstr vol08;addChatLine '^20.7 ^2|||||||--'"
seta vol08 		"seta s_volume_dB -4;seta vdn vstr vol07;seta vup vstr vol09;addChatLine '^20.8 ^2||||||||-'"
seta vol09 		"seta s_volume_dB -2;seta vdn vstr vol08;seta vup vstr vol10;addChatLine '^20.9 ^2|||||||||'"
seta vol10 		"seta s_volume_dB 0;seta vdn vstr vol09;seta vup vstr vol10;addChatLine '^21.0 ^1Full volume'"
seta vdn 		"vstr vol02"
seta vup 		"vstr vol05"

bind "pgup"		"vstr vup"
bind "pgdn"		"vstr vdn"

(DarkangelUK) #4

I made this grenade toggle that acts as a weaponbank, press once and your mouse1 is used for throwing grenade, press again and it’s back to shooting as normal. Hated movement restriction I had when trying to throw a nade

set nadearmed “bind G $nadedisarmed; bind mouse1 _useGrenade; addchatline ‘Grenade Equipped’”
set nadedisarmed “bind G $nadearmed; bind mouse1 _attack; addchatline ‘Weapon Equipped’”
bind G $nadearmed

(legend123) #5

Not a script but a bunch of vsays

bind kp_numlock “say Hi”
bind kp_slash “say Bye”
bind kp_star “say Great shot”
bind kp_minus “say Good game”

bind kp_home “sayteam I need a medic”
bind kp_uparrow “sayteam I need ammo”
bind kp_pgup “sayteam Revive me”
bind kp_leftarrow “sayteam No energy”
bind kp_rightarrow “sayteam Sorry”

bind kp_enter “sayteam Push in”
bind kp_downarrow “sayteam Push in”

(hly) #6

[QUOTE=DarkangelUK;331120]I made this grenade toggle that acts as a weaponbank, press once and your mouse1 is used for throwing grenade, press again and it’s back to shooting as normal. Hated movement restriction I had when trying to throw a nade

set nadearmed “bind G $nadedisarmed; bind mouse1 _useGrenade; addchatline ‘Grenade Equipped’”
set nadedisarmed “bind G $nadearmed; bind mouse1 _attack; addchatline ‘Weapon Equipped’”
bind G $nadearmed[/QUOTE]

nice, can this be done with using the buffs?

(DarkangelUK) #7

Yes it can be done (_activate is maybe the command?). I tried it for a bit, but due to the amount of times you use that function, and the pause incurred when activating the script, it became more trouble than it was worth.

(Je T´aime) #8

Can u share the spaw timer config please

(Matuka) #9

First and foremost: It’s faulty as I stated - Why is it faulty? Because it uses the wait command of which to my dismay doesn’t actually time it by milliseconds but rather frames (So in this case, you’d need a constant frame rate of 100, no less no more) and the wait command can also mess up your input, I gave it out before and people have stated that it stopped them from moving around, I myself have had a problem similar to that where I was unable to type.

Secondly here it is:

bind <key> "sayteam 'script-started -- redeployment'; wait '1500'; sayteam '5 seconds'; wait 100; sayteam '4 seconds'; wait 100; sayteam '3 seconds'; wait 100; sayteam '2 seconds'; wait 100; sayteam '1 second'; sayteam 'redeployed'"

Thirdly – Don’t complain, I’ve told you it’s buggy. That being said, gZ.Crumbs apparently has his own script (//EDIT: see posts below).

And finally for alternatives, you could try timing it yourself in your head which is what I do. Any Quake 3/Quake-Live player can time things easily like that. Just remember - both spawns take the same amount of time as each other, that being 20 seconds. Or you could ask Crumbs for his own. I’d prefer timing it myself, it’s a invaluable skill that I picked up whilst playing CPMA and can help you in practically every game.

(Je T´aime) #10

framerate of 100 .s mine goes from 15 to 35 lol, but thks for the info :slight_smile:

(DarkangelUK) #11

This is how the wait command has always worked, since at least idtech3 and Q3 (can’t comment on previous engines as I didn’t mess with scripting in those).

(crumbs) #12

I dont have a timer script like that your describing, I have a script to just spam the spawn intervals to your team in a team chat. Theres no counting down or anything.

(Matuka) #13

I come from a Source engine background, so at first I thought that it was timed in Milliseconds like what the Source engine does…

Right, I was just talking to nVc about his config pack and he stated that he had a script by you that he forgot to include in it, he didn’t really let me in on any details about it. :slight_smile:

(BMXer) #14

Here is script crumbs was talking about. There is more to it but I only messed with 20 second times so far. Once/if they fix this game’s spawn times Ill do more times. 25sec, 30sec, etc.

Here is the code. I also attached a zip file with the actual folder structure if anyone is interested.


//Spawn Timer

bind "KP_STAR" "exec timer/20.cfg; addchatline '^1Interval: 20^7'" "" "default"

seta showspawn "" 
bind "KP_ENTER" "sayteam $showspawn"


bind "KP_MINUS" "exec timer/interval/20/sec0" "" "default"
bind "KP_PLUS" "exec timer/interval/20/sec1" "" "default"


seta time0 "^1Spawntime: 00, 20, 40"
seta time1 "^1Spawntime: 01, 21, 41"
seta time2 "^1Spawntime: 02, 22, 42"
seta time3 "^1Spawntime: 03, 23, 43"
seta time4 "^1Spawntime: 04, 24, 44"
seta time5 "^1Spawntime: 05, 25, 45"
seta time6 "^1Spawntime: 06, 26, 46"
seta time7 "^1Spawntime: 07, 27, 47"
seta time8 "^1Spawntime: 08, 28, 48"
seta time9 "^1Spawntime: 09, 29, 49"

bind "KP_INS" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time0;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 00, 20, 40'" "" "default"
bind "KP_END" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time1;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 01, 21, 41'" "" "default"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time2;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 02, 22, 42'" "" "default"
bind "KP_PGDN" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time3;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 03, 23, 43'" "" "default"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time4;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 04, 24, 44'" "" "default"
bind "KP_5" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time5;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 05, 25, 45'" "" "default"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time6;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 06, 26, 46'" "" "default"
bind "KP_HOME" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time7;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 07, 27, 47'" "" "default"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time8;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 08, 28, 48'" "" "default"
bind "KP_PGUP" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time9;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 09, 29, 49'" "" "default"


seta time0 "^1Spawntime: 10, 30, 50"
seta time1 "^1Spawntime: 11, 31, 51"
seta time2 "^1Spawntime: 12, 32, 52"
seta time3 "^1Spawntime: 13, 33, 53"
seta time4 "^1Spawntime: 14, 34, 54"
seta time5 "^1Spawntime: 15, 35, 55"
seta time6 "^1Spawntime: 16, 36, 56"
seta time7 "^1Spawntime: 17, 37, 57"
seta time8 "^1Spawntime: 18, 38, 58"
seta time9 "^1Spawntime: 19, 39, 59"

bind "KP_INS" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time0;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 10, 30, 50'" "" "default"
bind "KP_END" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time1;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 11, 31, 51'" "" "default"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time2;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 12, 32, 52'" "" "default"
bind "KP_PGDN" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time3;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 13, 33, 53'" "" "default"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time4;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 14, 34, 54'" "" "default"
bind "KP_5" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time5;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 15, 35, 55'" "" "default"
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg; sayteam $time6;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 16, 36, 56'" "" "default"
bind "KP_HOME" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time7;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 17, 37, 57'" "" "default"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time8;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 18, 38, 58'" "" "default"
bind "KP_PGUP" "exec timer/20.cfg;  sayteam $time9;set showspawn '^1Spawntime: 19, 39, 59'" "" "default"

(legend123) #15

I have been using the hand grenade script mentioned earlier (thanks btw).
When you press G it toggles to grenade mode. In order to return you have to press it again.
Instead is there a way to return to gamemode/default by pressing Mouse1 while allowing the gun still to shoot with Mouse1?

(DarkangelUK) #16

That would require some handy work with +vstr which isn’t in this engine.

(ElecX) #17

i dont understantd how work the spawn timer BMXer
where place the files?

(BMXer) #18

Put the Timer folder in your base along with your other config files.
Add “exec timer/timer.cfg” to your autoexec.

While playing hit the * key on your numpad to turns on the 20sec interval script.
Then use the + and - keys on the numpad to swap between odd and even time sets.
Then use the numpad to display the interval you want.
Press the enter key on the numpad to re-display the last interval you chose.

You gotta play with it a bit to learn what keys do what. TBH it’s fairly useless at times. I personally find it a little too complicated to be fully utilized with Brink being so fast paced.

(Apples) #19

[QUOTE=BMXer;342739]Put the Timer folder in your base along with your other config files.
Add “exec timer/timer.cfg” to your autoexec.

While playing hit the * key on your numpad to turns on the 20sec interval script.
Then use the + and - keys on the numpad to swap between odd and even time sets.
Then use the numpad to display the interval you want.
Press the enter key on the numpad to re-display the last interval you chose.

You gotta play with it a bit to learn what keys do what. TBH it’s fairly useless at times. I personally find it a little too complicated to be fully utilized with Brink being so fast paced.[/QUOTE]

If only they included a spawntimer heh :wink:

Didnt buy the game so far, but I’m freaking sorry each time I see you guyz having freaking hard time implementing anything which was already present in many previous title and… not in Brink…

Sadpanda time!

(Qbix) #20

Regarding the spawn timer…

Doesn’t a game normally start to count down from a certain time, like 15:00 or 20:00? So, if the spawn interval is about 20 seconds, there should be no problem for you to judge from the count down in the upper right corner, shoudn’t it?

Given you start at 20:00, spawns appear at 19:40, 19:20, 19:00, 18:40, 18:20, 18:00… not that hard.