Scripting Problem

(AtomicKnight) #1

Can some tell me how to have several zombie’s bashing at a door and then bust through it, like in the level “castle” where you bust out of the wall and zombie’s come out of the ground. I want to do the part where you can hear them bashing at the door then they break through it.

This is most a important partfor my Minas Tirith SP level.

If you want to download the beta V1.1 you can find it at

Thanks AtomicKnight

If you want to email me my addy is

(carnage) #2

ok, i made some AI tutorial maps to show the basics but they were for my own learning i never released them

what i would recormend althouhg ime not 100% shure it will work

use a trigger once near the area where the wall the zombi is behind, target the AI_zombie with this then in the script. Make the wall func_explosive

in the spawn section of the zombies script

wait 1000
atack the wall scriptname

this should make the zomne spawn, wait a second then attack the wall, when the wall is gone the AI will see the player so it dosent need any more scripting to tell it to look for you

btw/ i no thats not a real script comand ill look it u for you now

(carnage) #3

wait 1000
attack [ainame]

the func_explosive wont be an AI but you can try it, if that doesnt work then i would surgest

wait 1000
alertentity [func_expolosive scriptname]

this will destry the wwall but the zpmbie wont have actulay atacked is so you wont get the sound effects apart fron the wall breaking

EDIT for full scripting defintions in radient go
help>rtcw>scripting definitions
its a big list but there are some very powerful AI scripts there

played your map 2, i surgest you go over some brushwork, some is pretty slopy, i niced a swwmingly flat plain that hap been split up into no fewer than 50 pices

also the wooden towers, they are made up of individual wooden cylinders, this looks good but more than 10 brushes per cylinder and then you must have like 200 to a tower 2000 brushes! something alsomst as impresive could be made in less than 100

i asume that you are trying to make a map where loads of AI attack at once, so ide recoemed try keep your number of brushs to a minimum as when you put in all these AI’s your map will grind to a halt speed wise

hope i want too harsh, ime not trying to say you did a bad job as some of the map looks realy good but ime just trying to help pick out the parts that could be improved

(AtomicKnight) #4

Is there like an animation of them bashing something?.

(carnage) #5

try the attack animations

ime shure there is a full list of all the animations, ime just not shure where it is anymore

(MulleDK13) #6

Pak0.pk3\models\players\zombie\wolfanim.cfg <<< A list of all animations for Zombie.