Right click melee and snipers should instantly destroy health stations

(frostyvampire) #1

Title. I’m tired of right clicking health stations with my melee and then waste another second to hit them again to finish the job.

Please, just make melee and snipers (and perhaps shotguns?) deal increased damage to deployables.
A right click melee attack or 2 left clicks should instantly destroy health stations.
A right click + left click melee should destroy any other deployable (even a turret with steady)
Sniper rifles should 1 shot health stations and 2 shot any other deployable.

Since health stations have 90hp, Beckhill does 80 damage and MoA does 60 damage, and a turret with steady has about 150hp (I’m too lazy to open the calculator and count exactly), I think that snipers should do 50% increased damage to deployables and melee 30% more damage


Wouldn’t mind these changes, but don’t want shotguns to do increased damage to them. I’m fine with them taking 2 shots. They don’t deserve any other buffs or tweaks whatsoever. I hope they go extinct.

(GatoCommodore) #3

is the health station health buffed?

i do having problem where newbies wont shoot the health station.

(frostyvampire) #4

@GatoCommodore said:
is the health station health buffed?

i do having problem where newbies wont shoot the health station.

It always had 90hp

(Eox) #5

I’d more request to outright lower the health of the health station itself at this point. You won’t reach a guarded station with melee anytime soon, and snipers does not need yet another buff of any kind. However, the health station by itself is incredibly strong and is by far the core of the current metagame in ranked (2 Auras every fucking time). Breaking a guarded station is a terrible chore, especially when there’s actually a second one ready to replace the first. And a third to replace the second, and even a fourth to replace the third… This could use some tweaks.

(frostyvampire) #6

@Eox said:
I’d more request to outright lower the health of the health station itself at this point. You won’t reach a guarded station with melee anytime soon, and snipers does not need yet another buff of any kind. However, the health station by itself is incredibly strong and is by far the core of the current metagame in ranked (2 Auras every @$!# time). Breaking a guarded station is a terrible chore, especially when there’s actually a second one ready to replace the first. And a third to replace the second, and even a fourth to replace the third… This could use some tweaks.

Reducing their health to 50 or 60 would be fine as well. But idk if it will become too easy to destroy them then.
I also made a post some time ago suggesting to increase the cooldown of all deployables by 5 seconds when they get destroyed, similar to how the HB sensor and SNITCH work.
That way Aura can’t just place a health station straight away after the first one was destroyed and it will also bring a purpose (kinda) to destroying ammo stations and Guardian’s drone

(Eox) #7

@frostyvampire said:

@Eox said:
I’d more request to outright lower the health of the health station itself at this point. You won’t reach a guarded station with melee anytime soon, and snipers does not need yet another buff of any kind. However, the health station by itself is incredibly strong and is by far the core of the current metagame in ranked (2 Auras every @$!# time). Breaking a guarded station is a terrible chore, especially when there’s actually a second one ready to replace the first. And a third to replace the second, and even a fourth to replace the third… This could use some tweaks.

Reducing their health to 50 or 60 would be fine as well. But idk if it will become too easy to destroy them then.
I also made a post some time ago suggesting to increase the cooldown of all deployables by 5 seconds when they get destroyed, similar to how the HB sensor and SNITCH work.
That way Aura can’t just place a health station straight away after the first one was destroyed and it will also bring a purpose (kinda) to destroying ammo stations and Guardian’s drone

The health station CD should probably only start when the station itself is destroyed to begin with

(GatoCommodore) #8

@Eox said:
I’d more request to outright lower the health of the health station itself at this point. You won’t reach a guarded station with melee anytime soon, and snipers does not need yet another buff of any kind. However, the health station by itself is incredibly strong and is by far the core of the current metagame in ranked (2 Auras every @$!# time). Breaking a guarded station is a terrible chore, especially when there’s actually a second one ready to replace the first. And a third to replace the second, and even a fourth to replace the third… This could use some tweaks.

not to mention that now sometimes stoker molotov and proxy mine sometimes dont kill the station outright