RiF Clan looking for some challenges

(SinDonor) #1

On the Xbox 360 clan page, there are over 20 clans now, but only a few of them have more than 1 or 2 members.

We challenged the RAIN clan, but it looks like they either declined or they accepted but it messed up.

We will be on tonight from 8pm EST on. Any clans out there wanna play, hit us up at:


or however it is done.

Also, what time zone is it? Is it EST? PST? GMT???

(Zekariah) #2

Come on clan leaders! Don’t make a clan if you won’t use it.

Yeah, and I was wondering the same thing…what Timezone is being used for the challenge set times?

(wolfnemesis75) #3

Er, you guys need to give folks time to recruit members and such. Ha ha ha. I am gonna get flamed, but some people still need to sign up with the Brink site. Thriller had to. Besides, need to work out the kinks. LMAO.

(Ruben0s) #4

LMAO indeed.

Shouldn’t this be in the clan section?

(zenstar) #5

[QUOTE=Ruben0s;387470]LMAO indeed.

Shouldn’t this be in the clan section?[/QUOTE]

This. Was just about to point that out.
Clan subforum: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/34-Brink-Clans-amp-Competition
This is the general chat subforum… kinda like the pubbing of foruming.

(SinDonor) #6

Ah, didn’t realize there was a clan forum. I have my browser bookmarked to this forum, so I never go to the forum listing page.

Thanks for the info.

(Zekariah) #7


Shouldn’t someone from SD already have moved this thread?