Revolvers: just style points?

(Da_Mummy) #1

I love revolvers period. They look awesome and the S&W sounds like a Canon launching an iron bolt to someones face. But playing Stokers Obsidian revently proved to me once again that those two sexy beasts are not more than just style points.
They are unreliable, are impossible to control when fired in a fast fashion and are generally overshadowed by the DE. 50/50. Or maybe I just suck with them and don’t know the secret technique to use them.
So I want to ask: are there any suggestions on how to change the Revolvers to make them viable sidearms that are strong, reliable and still fun to play.

(henki000) #2

More damage and better headshot multiplier.

I would accept slower RPM, reload time and higher recoil when not ironsighted.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3

Simeon was really good before its rpm nerf. Shame they made both revolvers shoot like someone with baby fingers is shooting it.

(GatoCommodore) #4

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Simeon was really good before its rpm nerf. Shame they made both revolvers shoot like someone with baby fingers is shooting it.

jerry was the fastest there ever was

he dont need automatic receivers, his fingers are automatic.

(LifeupOmega) #5

They’re fine as is. That you can two tap most mercs in the game is enough to make them valuable.

@Da_Mummy said:
Or maybe I just suck with them and don’t know the secret technique to use them.

The secret technique is to shoot your opponent in the head twice in succession so they die before they can truly react. They’re the Dreiss of pistols.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #6

Driess doesn’t have a cap on how fast you can shoot it though

(nokiII) #7

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Driess doesn’t have a cap on how fast you can shoot it though

Yes it has…

(GatoCommodore) #8

@nokiII said:

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Driess doesn’t have a cap on how fast you can shoot it though

Yes it has…

it has a cap

(TheStrangerous) #9

Is it time to introduce the “PRIMEDIORY” guns?
I mean, why not have guns with power between Primary and secondary? So that primaryless mercs could have them? Like Sparks?

But if these weapons will be created, so should something between melee and secondary alongside melee and primary be made…

(kirinichiban42) #10

@TheStrangerous said:
Is it time to introduce the “PRIMEDIORY” guns?
I mean, why not have guns with power between Primary and secondary? So that primaryless mercs could have them? Like Sparks?

But if these weapons will be created, so should something between melee and secondary alongside melee and primary be made…

I think that is what’s happening with Hunter’s primary. The machine pistols are the go-between for the primary and secondary weapons. Further evidenced by the fact that machine pistols are given to mercs with ability-based weapons (Sparks and Hunter) or squishy-ish mercs with shotguns (Fletcher and Proxy). In short, machine pistols are an extension of the primary weapons.

Also I think the range of the katana pretty much makes it a projectile weapon. :smiley: